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  1. S

    GP32 Scummvm

    I thought the only reason they don't is a space/SMC capacity issue?
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    Sensible soccer

    All the versions of Sensible Soccer that currently run (listed above, SnesEmu runs the SNES version) were programmed by somebody other than Sensible Software. :( They're pale immitations of the beautiful game. You have been warned. Unfortunately the great Atari ST version doesn't work with...
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    Wad's not loading

    I have this problem too on my 128MB card. Running at all the default settings with v8 and v9 and no luck. Shareware works fine, but not Doom2.wad or Plutonia.wad Any ideas? matt
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    does anybody know where i can get the old, speed limited release? this new one runs too fast. :( matt
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    Am I just stupid?

    Cannon Fodder is a Sensible Software game and unfortunately none of their games currently work 100% under CaSTaway. :( matt
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    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    Have you even tried the Function keys, such as F1, F2, F3, F4?
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    Samorost: great swf point and click adventure game

    Really? I have to get that then!
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    Samorost: great swf point and click adventure game

    I recommend lovers of Samorost hunt out Gobliiins which was originally made for the Atari ST. It runs on the CaSTaway/GP emulator. Currently bumbling through them myself. :ph34r: It's the same concept but more involved, with equally tricky puzzle and...
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    Prince of Persia (automation disk 389)

    i expect hit L to put CaSTaway into keyboard mode then use the stick to move to the letter you want to type and press A or B to type that letter. if the Automation menu says press 1 for Prince Of Persia then do so. matt
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    Samorost: great swf point and click adventure game point and click. you have to figure out what objects do something and then what order to fire the events to progress from screen to screen. takes about 30 mins to play through first time. i love this game!
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    is JOE's FTP down at the moment

    thanks, mst be my work connection. :angry:
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    is JOE's FTP down at the moment

    is JOE's FTP down at the moment, i can't seem to transfer any files? <_<
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    Floppy menu (insert floppy) problems

    you haven't deleted the TOS.IMG have you? How much free SMC space do you have? You're not overclocking the emu are you? matt
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    Jumping and Bumping ...

    HAHA! the post on the front page is about the new JnB website that tells you all you need to know!
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    Wad's not loading

    have you selected what version of doom you want to run on the main menu?
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    13 keeps killing my smc :(

    CaSTaway does not write to the SMC on the fly. The disc images is modified in memory at all times. It is only saved to SMC when you choose that from the menu. Save states also work in the same way. Are you overclocking the CPU by any chance?
  17. S

    Overclocked ST games

    Sensi Soccer really feels like football to me, and Kick Off lacks a little something. I'd be prepared to give Goal! a try though as I know Dino improived it no end to get to that. Also, are you sure KO2 should be faster and you're not just wearing those rose tinted nostalgia specs? matt
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    Overclocked ST games

    FYI my GP32 refuses to do anything above 132Mhz :angry: For me there are a handful of classics that do not yet run: Sensible Soccer Hunter Microsoft Golf :(
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    Doom Cheats?

    Just play the game, man!
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    Tetris Games

    They were all rubbish. Play GB Tetris under emulation!