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    Abandonned Games On Gp32

    I'm sure that tennis game was released for an ADIC competition? matt
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    Whatever Happened To The Chatboard Keyboards?

    i have a chatboard and a mobile phone adapter with the correct plug on it. Cost me <£5 from ebay for both.
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    Tomak Save The Earth,again!

    I thought the levels layouts were bland, the sprites were too big for the screen leading to crowded screens. An average game at best.
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    GP32 MISC assembler for ARM

    Have you been to the GamePark website? They have a coders section. Also, have you not had any luck from the GP32 yahoo Group? matt
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    CaSTaway/GP 13.1 released!

    Woo! Boo! ;)
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    CaSTaway GP feedback

    Jeff, If that's not a hint that Sensible Soccer will work then what is?!?!?! ;) You can have one of these if you do make it work! A tee I designed that is being sold in the UK. cheers! matt
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    CaSTaway GP feedback

    A few of us have always said the gamma function sucks! :P Sorry Jeff. :blink: matt
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    GP32 MISC assembler for ARM

    Hi Jeff, I was one of the people who brought the posibility of a GP32 port to your attention, and I am still very interested in using such a tool. TIN itself is a little too scary for me, but a BASIC front end to it - DragonBASIC - is right up my street. I have a couple of ideas for projects I...
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    Anyone have any D-Pad troubles?

    My stick would not do diagonals, so I sent my unit back and got a replacement. Works perfectly. It seems GamePark Q&A is not up to scratch. matt
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    nice, how did you make the mario kart background? mine is a modified version of this image to which I added a more sunny, graduated background.
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    I also emailed Around a while ago, he asked if the ST emulator ran demos, and that would persuade him to geta GP32 and start development. matt
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    Sensible Soccer

    I long for the day when CaSTaway plays Sensi. It's user input that crashes it, if you let it go through the menu it will show you (tease) a demo match. :angry: As an aside, I'm not going to get angry but KO2 is good and bad for different reasons. I mean you can even score from the Kick Off...
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    A Little Big Adventure

    I'd love to see this too! There are some open source projects to do with this:
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    what was the best concer you have ever been to

    Counting Crows, The Brixton Academy (16th June 2002) Björk, The Royal Opera House (16th Dec 2001) MERZ, 100 Club (27th Mar 2001) Murry The Hump, The Monarch (2001) Prince, Wembley Arena (1998)
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    I'd like to see this as I can't see me finishing or converting my Simple Soccer any time soon. :(
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    How to get Gunstar Heroes to work in Genesis emu..

    damn, my only game i wanted to play on this emu and it doesn't work well. :(
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    Atari ST help

    And read the manual!
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    is it just me, or is SNES9X run slow on my GP32???

    Please: NO SNES GAME RUNS 100% ON SNES9X! not even Flashback. Thety might run acceptably on the default frameskip but that is not full speed. Quoting these silly comparisons is only going to get people's hopes up and then trash them. :ph34r: