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  1. Fda

    Eat The Whistle

    It would be lovely to be able to play this old game on the Wiz. But i've no idea how to compile it (methinks, simply inputting "make" on a terminal emulator wouldn't work XD). Looks suitable for the wiz, to me; it even has a nice "320x240" mode. Any help? Or, it possible? Source...
  2. Fda


    The screws up and inside the lid are all standard. Just tiny (but easily removable with an eyeglass screwdriver). Be more precise, though: what do you mean "broken"? If you've broken the black plastic with the "L", it's easily fixable. If the broken part is the inner button, beside the black...
  3. Fda

    D-Pad And Some Buttons Are Loose

    Well, disassembling a Wiz is not very difficult (knowing beforehand you have to be VEEEEEEEERY careful with speakers wiring)(which, by the way, i had to re-solder).....the hard part is reassembling it right! ^^
  4. Fda

    Dcastaway For Wiz

    Well i found the native version less reliable than the gp2x-on-ginge one; the menu was litterally impossible to use ('cause of the timing) and sound had a lot of distortion..........
  5. Fda

    D-Pad And Some Buttons Are Loose

    Hate to tell you, but i think your rubber pads are starting to wear out.......... Don't panic, though. It's something easily replaceable. Try sending a mail to the After Sales center.
  6. Fda

    Dcastaway For Wiz

    No idea about DCaSTaway, but have you tried using OutcaST-gp2x with Ginge? Works a lot better (and i do mean A LOT).....
  7. Fda

    Bennugd Touchscreen Support? could this be useful?
  8. Fda

    Wiz Bricked (I Think)

    Well, looks like some other people are having the same issue, with a SDHC (have a look at the comments). Try creating a small partition, let's say 1-2 gb, and reflash the firmware from it. In some cases, this actually did the trick. (By the way: Class 2?? Isn't it too slow?)
  9. Fda

    Wiz Bricked (I Think)

    Try with an older firmware and a non-SDHC memory. If this doesn't work.....well, you could try removing the battery or pressing the soft-reset button (or both), but i don't think this would really accomplish something....... Oh, right: i'm sure you already noticed, but just to be sure have a...
  10. Fda

    This Is What I Call "customer Satisfaction"

    I think the main issue may be the way the two external buttons are connected. They are, infact, a single part, not two distinct ones. Connected by a very thin and breaking-prone plastic band. See for yourself: these were mine (the left one is the old, broken and 'self-fixed', pad). Keep in mind...
  11. Fda

    Any Pcsx4All Experts Out There?

    Well, i'm no expert, but there's a nice compatibility list here. Other than that, i think trial and error is the best (and only one) option....
  12. Fda

    This Is What I Call "customer Satisfaction"

    Well, i'm amazed. Last thursday, i sent a mail to the After Sales Center: i asked for info about spare parts (i needed the external volume buttons and the right rubber pad, which i broke)(please, don't ask). 1 hour later i received a mail asking for my address and phone. "Oh, well" i thought...