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    Experimental Blu+ Support For Osnes9xgp tells me "out of memory" when I try to load rom what's wrong? version 0.1 works and non-blu+ 0.3 freezes on loading screen (the same problem as Evildragon)
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    What Are The Best Snes Rpgs?

    thanks is Seiken Densetsu 3 in english?
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    What Are The Best Snes Rpgs?

    Hi I'd like to know what are the best SNES finalfantasy/cronotrigger-like rpgs (no Zelda or something like that). Thanks a lot!
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    Mr. Driller Gbc

    nice review of great game:) but it's MUCH better on wonderswan... runs perfectly in wonderboi in higher clockspeeds
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    Easy Overclocking

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    Some Games Reseting My Gp32

    also priests and scholars have healing spell which is MUCH more effective than first aid and to create potions you need a kettle (in Ishar 2). I have original pc versions of all ishars too, I can't remember how old they are:)
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    Some Games Reseting My Gp32

    Yeah it' excellent... How can you heal your characters? (Except first aid and sleeping)
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    Some Games Reseting My Gp32

    They all work in castaway 16.0 I don't know why... Ishar 2 is great game go and try it everyone!
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    Some Games Reseting My Gp32

    No playing at 133 mhz and my gp goes to 252mhz and I tried it with batteries and adapteur so no dead batteries... I'll try another roms... btw ishar 2 behaves in the same way and gungeon master too if I swith the sound off or try it with higher clockspeed...
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    Some Games Reseting My Gp32

    I've been playing with this great emu for some time and some games (such as Elvira, Gobliiins and few others) reset my gp after few minutes of playing are they supposed to work? Should I try another roms?
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    Problem With Captive Rom

    thanks a lot!
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    Sam & Max Problems

    loved (and still love;-) the atmosphere... btw I'm just downloading st version of ishar, I'm really curious how this game looks on gp32_console ...
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    Problem With Captive Rom

    OK I managed to get the right rom and it really works... but what should I do when I get past the door on the blinking planet? There is some weird wall opposite the door and on the right there is some electrical plug connector or something like that and I can't find out how to get past the wall...
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    Sam & Max Problems

    You bet! This is my all times fav since my childhood:)
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    Wonderboi 0.75

    Does Front mission work with wonderboi? For me it doesn't should I look for another rom?
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    Sam & Max Problems

    I have very slow cursor in sam&max which version should I try? I'm using the latest non-overclocked version...
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    Where can I deploy oil derrick? I couldn't find any marked place...
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    Problem With Captive Rom

    Thanks a lot! And as "Flacon" said: we're czechs.
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    Problem With Captive Rom

    hmm tu medvajackou romku jsem zkoušel ale nefungovala... nemohli byste mi to pls někdo poslat?
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    Problem With Captive Rom

    Hi I have a problem with the game Captive. I tried 2 different roms and the game always freezes when I try to land on some planet during loading. I'm using castaway 16.1 and english tos 1.02. Does the game run under castaway? Should I try more roms?