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  1. t money

    Escape From Zombie City - Wip 3

    WARNING!!! i accidentally left in a piece of code from testing which will spoil who the culprit is if you press "R". if you want to find out who the culprit is on your own, stay away from the "R" button. i'll post an update when i'm done with the wiz version. EDIT: here is a FIX for the...
  2. t money

    Escape From Zombie City - Wip 3

    It EXISTS! after many hours of beating my head against the wall fighting with sound files to get it running smoothly on the Caanoo... it exists! this is not the same as the wip for the wiz, this is newer and better. unfortunately, after i got this working, i found out that it crashes the wiz...
  3. t money

    Serious Slowdown While Using The Touch?

    there is a problem with the touch screen in general. it is a driver problem and i'm told that GPH are working on correcting it. it's more noticeable in games that use ogg or mp3 because those files also slow down the game. this is why i removed the music from danger quest monster night. it...
  4. t money

    Danger Quest

    now that i got my hands on the caanoo, i've made changes to danger quest. splinter had been kind enough to port it to the caanoo after he had made the bennu runtime, but i've made improvements to make the score/multiplier visible on the caanoo. i've decided to, at least for now, nix the music...
  5. t money

    Wip Screenshots

    yeah, i guess it is. it's hard to come up with a simple idea that's completely original these days i guess.
  6. t money

    Wip Screenshots

    well, this isn't something i'm actively working on. it's something that i came up with the idea for awhile back, got a basic framework set up and haven't touched it since. it's called PATREC, as in pattern recognition. the idea was to find the pattern (on the right) in the larger block...
  7. t money

    Taking Pre-Orders For Gph Caanoo

    that's (mostly) good news. will you be shipping out tomorrow?
  8. t money

    Taking Pre-Orders For Gph Caanoo

    doesn't seem likely. ahh well, what's a few more days.
  9. t money

    Got Pc Manager To Work

    obviously they're trying to push the caanoo, but it should recognize a wiz. there are both wiz and caanoo versions of the games. it's not going to do anybody any good buying a wiz game if only a caanoo will work with pc manager
  10. t money

    Got Pc Manager To Work

    has anyone actually successfully download an app/game yet?
  11. t money

    Porting My Games To Caanoo

    the debugging console is also far superior for bennu than on fenix. makes life coding much easier.
  12. t money

    Exp For Gp2X And Wiz. We Have Achievements!

    great, let me/us know when this is possible. adding experience to games is a great idea.
  13. t money

    Exp For Gp2X And Wiz. We Have Achievements!

    if there were an easy way to get this to work with bennu, i'd add this to my games in a heart beat
  14. t money

    Escape From Zombie City

    i will definitely have a free version of it. i may also put up a version for sale on GPH store, which may or may not be the same, and may essentially be a way of taking donations for those generous souls out there. i'm still too far away to know what any differences i would put into the pay...
  15. t money

    Escape From Zombie City

    thanks very much, bowz. i have gotten quite a bit further, although to be fair, i did not show my full hand with the WIP (nor am i showing it now). it's hard to say how long it's going to be before it's completely done, i'm still trying to meet my goal of having it done by the end of the year...
  16. t money


    so it's roughly $1 for 840 GP 3000 GP games ~ $3.57 5000 GP games ~ $5.95 7000 GP games ~ $8.33
  17. t money

    Escape From Zombie City

    new video
  18. t money


    i'm glad they got fungp up, but... it really seems like they got the cart ahead of the horse here. at this point, it seems like they're several steps away from anyone being able to use it. from getting the drmadapter to work, to getting the wiz console to auto-register (i assume the caanoo...
  19. t money

    Taking Pre-Orders For Gph Caanoo

    please let us know when you get your shipment in
  20. t money


    pacman and galaxain are just examples made with bennu