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  1. mrpogo

    Game Of The Week - Swiv!

    yeh swiv was an enjoyable game but using that jeep was a nightmare for me! lol
  2. mrpogo

    Caanoo / WIZ Emus To Be Ported To Wiz

    im looking forward to the amiga emulator myself
  3. mrpogo

    My New Wiz!

    thanks my wiz is supposed to be here tomorrow but im not holding my breath
  4. mrpogo

    My New Wiz!

    thanks very much. Most places dont reply to new members. I can see here will be different Thanks
  5. mrpogo

    Amiga Emu For Wiz

    yeh i was assuming that it could be done. I was just wondering if it had been done or if it was scheduled to be done. Thanks all
  6. mrpogo

    Amiga Emu For Wiz

    hi i was just wondering if there was an amiga emulator out for the wiz or if one is being developed? thanks all
  7. mrpogo

    My New Wiz!

    hi ive registered in this forum and am looking forward to joining the community. Im awaiting delivery of my gp2x wiz. Im a total noob so any help about the wiz and emulation would be welcome. Thanks all