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  1. Argtrak

    A fresh new start, Part 1 (2011-07-12)

    Hmm. 1000 boards with problems out of 4000. That's a LOT. Which also implies that all 4000 boards have been populated. Or did you mean there are 1000 boards missing to actually populate? Also, I don't want to be a spine in the foot, but... ...sounds vaguely familiar. I'm thinking about...
  2. Argtrak

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    Thank you very much for the update! Small but comforting updates are always MORE than welcome! The periods that lack any news is what I find the hardest. Even a simple "no news about (insert topic here) yet." once a week beats silence. Also give us a heads-up when you get a new batch of...
  3. Argtrak

    Helper script

    A step by step troubleshooting guide would certainly be great for those who read it and to anyone doing Pandora support. A repository of precious knowledge to people who like to mess around with configurations at the very least. For others... That's exactly what I thought. How did they get...
  4. Argtrak

    EXT connectors

    Got mine this past Monday (30th). I thought they would've been bigger, yet I also thought the pin spacing would've been tighter. Go figure. All in all, it's not the smallest stuff I've soldered. :) I'll probably make a mini break-out board from the pins to a little wider and robust and...
  5. Argtrak

    EXT connectors

    That's exactly what old PCs are good for: a source of cheap (although dusty) ribbon cables. When I start running out of ribbon cables, I know someone in the family is due for an upgrade. ;) (or someone forgot to give me their old PC)
  6. Argtrak

    EXT connectors

    Money sent. Hope they don't give you too much trouble... Good luck!
  7. Argtrak

    EXT connectors

    PM sent. B)
  8. Argtrak

    please update the status page

    +1 If I'm not mistaken, it's been a month since it was last updated... :/ How long can it take to update the status? And it would go a long way in making us feel real progress. Personally I'd like to see something along the lines of: x / 3800 Pandora shipped y / 2300 orders fulfilled...
  9. Argtrak

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    Interesting. Have you ever thought that this might mean you actually age at a rate of 12 years per 13 years? How old are you times 0.923076923?
  10. Argtrak

    All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

    That's rather odd. Aren't they supposed to do basic tests of each board? If so, it's kind of strange that that board even made it to you. :huh:
  11. Argtrak

    PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

    Actually I'd also like to see the TV-Out cables on the official status page. Now that production has resumed, is there still a reason to wait for the "Ok"? :unsure:
  12. Argtrak

    PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

    If the final assembly place has been determined (Taiwan vs UK), the shipment of (all or part of) the remaining cases might benefit from keeping in mind the Chinese holidays. Planing delivery of those in advance so you don't run out should be fairly easy. Just a friendly reminder. :)
  13. Argtrak

    One video per day - Discussions

    Really? Non-cloning dual screen with the Pandora would be a very interesting feature! Is this possibility official, or speculated? It would certainly be awesome!!
  14. Argtrak

    Coming closer (2010-10-25)

    Consider me reassured. Thanks for the answer! B)
  15. Argtrak

    Coming closer (2010-10-25)

    Just to be cautious, are they/we sure that the new type of rubber/silicone/polymer they use "ages" well? 400k movements in a week is very different than 400k movements over a span of 3-5 years where whatever rubber/silicone/polymer they use has had time to cure and dry potentially well beyond...
  16. Argtrak

    Corrupted graphics

    I'm curious. Where along the cable does it typically fail? board end of the cable, lcd end, somewhere along the middle, where it exits the case, in the hinge, where it enters the lcd section? And does it always (or almost always) fail at the the same/similar location?
  17. Argtrak

    Finally Got My Pandora

    Just yesterday evening before my shower, instead of putting my dirty socks in the hamper, I put them in the trash. After a bit, I notice my perfectly good, albeit dirty socks in the trash. What the f...? ps: Sure hope nobody (including myself) does that with their pandora!!!!!
  18. Argtrak

    How Do I Activate The Video Out?

    I'd go for 5-10 as well. I live in New Brunswick, Canada.
  19. Argtrak

    Simple Question To Opt

    Since I never quite got it precisely. Are the nubs going to be remade from scratch, or are they going to test all the nubs already produced (not yet on pandoras) to see which ones "pass" their tests and re-make the ones that didn't pass the test? I kind of we don't just delay problems by using...
  20. Argtrak

    7 Dead Nub Units To Go

    Are the nubs at all replaceable without rework/reflow? I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron, smd, even fixed a broken pin on a cpu once. I might be interested, but I'm curious to know how much a replacement nub would cost.