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  1. Argtrak

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    At the CURRENT rate... 2 months, 100 old preorders shipped, with 600 left it means another 12 months.... :unsure: Is there any advertisement going on to sell more of what's in stock? I don't follow everything but I still didn't see anything of particular impact... I know they want to keep...
  2. Argtrak

    ... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

    Either way, it would still be nice to have a status update on the website. The current status dates June 1st. Something, whatever it might be, must've happened since then (hopefully)... Or at least if GC continued pumping them at the mentionned rate, they should have a decent stock of them...
  3. Argtrak

    What's it officially going to be called?

    How about Pandorb, Pandorc, Pandord, Pandore... and so on? ;)
  4. Argtrak

    How much more until the first batch is fininshed shipped? 2008 order here.

    Craigx, how many (approx.) do you have left for first batch?
  5. Argtrak

    Shortest newspost of all times (2012-02-22)

    ED, did you remember to bring a camera to give us some video of the production at GC?
  6. Argtrak

    A Pandora 2 Concept

    Another point for full size SD is that the card slot itself is more robust. Actually, if I recall correctly, this is the main reason the Raspberry Pi went with full size instead of micro. It's much easier to break a micro sd slot than a full size one. Oh, and don't forget how easy it is to...
  7. Argtrak

    After a long day, there'll be another one (2011-12-21)

    I don't want to put them through undue torture, but how about slightly twisting/bending them to see if any solder joint is weak? Something similar to if someone sat on a pandora or if it was in the bottom of a heavily packed backpack. This is so many good news so quickly, I'm pinching myself...
  8. Argtrak

    After a long day, there'll be another one (2011-12-21)

    Great news, and awesome communications!!! :wub:
  9. Argtrak

    Getting closer... (2011 - 12 - 01)

    Heck, maybe they themselves would be willing to invest in the project. They'd end up making back their money and the profit would cover the difference.
  10. Argtrak

    Getting closer... (2011 - 12 - 01)

    Hmm... historically speaking isn't it CC that says one thing and does something else? Unless proven otherwise, I side on FedEx. <_<
  11. Argtrak

    Getting closer... (2011 - 12 - 01)

    Way to shoot my idea! Were they waiting for me to say that the timing would be close to right concerning the missing coils? <_< ED, I'd like you to know I really happy that you are transparent about this. I'd rather have the news than silence, be it good or bad. :wub: Seriously, CC is...
  12. Argtrak

    Getting closer... (2011 - 12 - 01)

    There should be plenty of the "missing coils" in the parts you are getting from CC. The timing sounds right enough no? Unless they get stuck at customs or something, they should arrive pretty much at the right time. :)
  13. Argtrak

    Everything still going smooth? (2011-11-18)

    By pure curiosity, have you purchased the connectors for the cables, and where are they? Guess I don't regret buying some connectors from WizardStan hehehe! ;)
  14. Argtrak

    PETA claims that Super Mario 3D Land endorses killing tanuki

    I find the tag "ridiculous" on this topic quite priceless. ^_^ The controlling elite fish nuts using crazy ideas, they just got a nice catch there. Didn't you know Nintendo is super wii-vil?
  15. Argtrak

    OpenPandora shirts?

    I would definitely place an order for a few t-shirt with the "fractal" design. multiple colors please!! blue, orange, black, etc..
  16. Argtrak

    Of bare boards and investments (2011-10-13)

    ED, since you are open for questions, I'm just a bit curious about the timeline. Rest assured, I don't mean to be negative or anything of the sort. I'm just STILL looking very forward to getting mine after almost 3 years. The section header says: "bare PCB", I conclude not populated, is...
  17. Argtrak

    Quotations, Production speed and the future (2011-09-01)

    Curiosity always kills the cat but I'm not the cat so I'll give it a shot. Can we have a quick approximate update to the numbers on the official site's status page that was last updated on the 2011-04-11? Also, I kind of lost track of when the last shipment of boards was an how many were...
  18. Argtrak

    Bad News

    It's sad concerning GPH. More players in the arena means more options and more motivation to innovate and distinguish yourself from the rest. This goes for open-source as well as proprietary closed stuff. As for the possibility of a cheaper handheld without wifi/keyboard, may I strongly...
  19. Argtrak

    An appointment and boards shipping (2011-07-22)

    Sweet, you got a tracking number. How many boards are in the shipment? (If you actually know the number)
  20. Argtrak

    Pandora Batch 2: A new hope (2011-07-28)

    It still makes me wonder though. I am not trying to play paranoid, but while I agree that the electrical connection should not degrade if left alone, I still have some concerns about the "good enough to work" joint's ability to handle mechanical stress as well as a "perfectly good" solder...