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  1. M

    Fenix Runtime

  2. M

    Fenix Runtime

    I d'loaded the F1racing program and installed into the f1pro directory under gpmm as well as putting the .fxe in the main gpmm directory with the rest of the games. Unfortunately when i start the prog I get "Fenix Runtime Not found". What part of the fenix package am i missing? Any thoughts...
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    Pgc Trading Forum?

    this piracy stuff seems to come up all over the place. just for the record "fair use" under the copyright act allows you to record a show for the express purpose of your personal use later. And after you have watched it you are technically supposed to delete (although no one does I'm sure)...
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    Recommended Atari St Games?

    as the topic says--can anyone recommend some good ones, maybe some personal favs? thx
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    I just played some lynx games using handy and I must say I am pumped about your effort squidge--You have one die hard fan already and you haven't even finished it!! keep up the great effort!
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    Gpmame To Be Released Here On 2nd May

    just in time for my birthday--woohooo :P
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    Going Away For A Few Days

    here's a warm and fuzzy thought--your gramma isn't going to live forever and you can play video games anytime--how bout not being such a selfish twit and spend some quality time with her (she probably enjoys your company--even if you don't enjoy hers) when they're gone, they're gone.
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    Smc Error

    thanks i'll check those out--i dropped a note to lik-sang for an RMA so if nothing works--back it goes :angry: I think i will buy a more local card from this point on...(not a dig at lik-sang--its that they are too far away)
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    Smc Error

    other than the gamepark and the reader i have no access to this card--is there a way to format it without either of those two methods?
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    Smc Error

    I loaded up my smc to 122Mb or so and now it is unreadable by anything--WTF is up with that? I did a search on "smc not inserted correctly" "inserted correctly" "smc" "smart media" and nothing no hits. So either the search is screwy or else there haven't been any topics on this (i find that...
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    How To Sharpen The Movie?

    good tip--i'll give it a go.
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    Tv Card Recording For Gpcinema

    your machine would have to have some good horsepower to do it--capture 30 frames per second and compress in real time is no small feat. When i run my 2200+ on a virtualdub job i get 15-25 frames per second in virtualdub depending on what i'm asking it to do.
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    Korean Translators

    After you select a game or whatever from the free launcher a screen pops up with what I'm assuming is Korean--what does this say? Also, has anyone translated some of the commercial games from korean to english? do you think this will ever happen?
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    Did you create the Avi or have you "acquired" it from somewhere else--if there is an error in the source audio/video data, virtualdub will choke when it hits it. if you created it --try different settings on your original encode. make sure you also have the necessary codecs installed on your...
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    How To Sharpen The Movie?

    I used the sharpen and set it to 31--noticed a nice difference in sharpness. I'm going to try 2 pass with sharpen and see if that eliminates the "mosquito noise" around some of the moving parts.
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    What typ of file are you starting with? what are your virtualdub settings? and do you mean encode (making the movie into a new format) or decode (converting to uncompressed avi from other format)
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    Scummm Help Needed

    Thanks for the link! ummm isn't that what i said??
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    Movies With Gp32

    you must be easily entertained if web glitches give you so much amusement :blink: How long is a 2 pass encode taking you just out of curiosity?
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    JPEG View v1.10 Released

    Just wanted to revive an old thread and say "what a great viewer!"
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    Movies With Gp32

    Vauster--do you find that reduced frame rate to be choppy? I had 10fps and when the Gp was clocked to 120 it was slightly choppy but with 166 it looked ok.