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  1. G

    Doom Ii

    Hello, I just ordered my new F-200, and i was wondering if it is at all possible to play Doom II on it, perhaps using the Doom II files with PrBoom? Any help is much appreciated.
  2. G

    Psx4gp2x V0.1.2 Test 2 - Playstation 1 Emulator For Gp2x

    Im very, very excited about playing FFVII on my new F-200 if it runs as reported!
  3. G

    Clearing Up Some Rumours...

    Cheers for answering some of my queries guys, and i'm glad to announce i will be commencing my purchase of a GP2X F-200. I plan to do a computer oriented course at university in the future and fell the GP2X would be a valuable tool for learning how to program, never mind all the excellent...
  4. G

    Clearing Up Some Rumours...

    As you undoubtedly are aware, there are many reviews for the GP2X on the web, but many of them are over a year old and almost always consider the F-100. I am considering ordering an F-200 from the official UK retailer, but i have a few questions perhaps you could clear up for me: Are firmware...