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    The Big Tech Deals Thread.

    Agreed. It would have been better to just lock it. Moving it defeated the purpose of the thread.
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    Any Boot Animation Details?

    You want blue eyes? How about Lo Pan shooting light from his eyes and mouth. Now, THAT's a boot sequence!
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    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    OMAP 4xxx with Cortex A9 should show up in 2010. If original the first pandora is a success, maybe they'll use that one. Anything under 3 years and I think they're undercutting the life of the device, though.
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    Pandora Questions And Answers

    I had a question about the headphone jack in another thread that never got answered. Basically, I'm guessing that the click functionality of the headphones you can use on the iphone and ipod touch is a proprietary connection, correct? Basically, you couldn't do this on the pandora, even with...
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    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    Yeah, and the guy who said he would do it, Zod, when asked was confident playable speeds would be achievable... he just doesn't have the time. How difficult it will be are only postulations by coders and non-coders alike. We won't really know until someone gets their hands dirty with it...
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    Is The Pandora Actually Powerful At All?

    How do you know how hard N64 is to emulate on it, you've been trying? No one has attempted it yet, so we don't know. The Cortex A8 is a much more advanced architecture than what all the current PDA's and phones out there are using. Look up Dhrystone MIPS and start comparing those numbers if you...
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    N64 Emulator Canceled?

    Zod has a pandora, but he's working on psx plus dosbox along with countless iphone/ipod touch stuff. It's likely projects for the latter would keep rolling in, so there's less reason to do something hard like a n64 emu. I'd say that's why he's suggesting someone else take it up. Hopefully there...
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    N64 Emulator Canceled?

    LOL, I found it way back in my posts, it's the OP :D
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    N64 Emulator Canceled?

    Yes, someone else has said they would be interested if Zod didn't go forward. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the search feature and the inability to look at my own post history, I don't recall who mentioned it.
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    I Want Photos Of Pandora

    We are very likely going to see a finished pandora and the GUI before the 30th to allay pre-order fears. Be patient.
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    A Question

    You titled the thread way too clearly. It's obviously going to take at least 15 minutes for Chip to realize. :D
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    Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

    Where is this info? In post form, or someone just got it word of mouth? Maybe strmnnrmn will pop out of nowhere and announce he's working on daedalus for pandora. We can hope, eh?
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    What To Expect?

    Ubuntu is possible and has been discussed. Yes on all the emus you listed. Zodttd will do N64 ( For emu reference:
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    Atari Jaguar, 3do, Sega Saturn: The Red-headed Stepchilds IIRC, AJ is being done by Firefox, 3DO is a possibility (and was discussed), and you can pretty much forget about Saturn. It's tough to emulate on a modern PC and the yabuse guys have expressed no interest in a pandora port.
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    Any Boot Animation Details?

    I just now realized this, but you do know you're talking about someone who has the spice addiction, right? Please tell me someone else gets this reference...
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    Help! Pandora Radio

    He's talking about pandora internet radio. Although I'm not sure if this is a joke or not... It's a great service (, but I can't use it at work because my work blocks internet radio services. From what I heard, it was about to be forced out of existence by the RIAA anyway.
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    Sdhc Card Prices Plummetting

    Newegg just starts selling 32gb sdhc and now we're talking about 64? My how fast it goes. I just can't wait for a similar price war in SSD's.