Search results

  1. Origin is back online

    Heh, right now, its more like she just called you and said she locked herself out of her car :lol: -Origin
  2. Origin

    Slashdot effect

    Nice. Too bad the GP32 picture is only half painted. Its not even a "hockey stick" curve, its more like... the step function. lol :twisted: -Origin
  3. Origin

    Release Day Timer/Organizer Software

    There are plenty under Ubuntu/Linux OS, if you don't mind booting that up, a google search turned up a few: Osmo: A daily organizer Day Planner and Calizo: Simple calendaring tools Not sure how hibernate/standby will work on the Pandora, so, those applications might not be as ideal, as, judging...
  4. Origin

    Sales shipping to canada query

    I was kinda hoping that they were shipping to us from Canada, at least a couple of the dev team members are in Canada if I remember correctly. But that may be more wishful thinking than anything. -Origin
  5. Origin

    Graphical Sercurity

    For the most part, this will seem like unimportant and bothersome feature to most users. However, for those that want to dismiss the idea right away, please keep in mind that we're trying to keep Pandora open to everyone who wants to develop features and programs that suit their own needs. If...
  6. Origin

    Is there going to be any 'Invisablesheilds' made for this?

    The invisible shield is mostly just like a clear piece of tape. I have a similar product on my PSP, and while it does a nice job by protecting it from regular scratches, it doesn't cover the whole thing, and there are some spots that still get bumped and scratched every now and then. The one I...