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  1. N

    Pinball Dreams & Fantasies GP32

    I'd buy it! :D
  2. N

    ID3 tags

    I'm pretty sure Winamp lets you edit the ID3 tags. Play the mp3 in winamp and then double-click the song title and up comes the ID3 info which you should be able to edit and save.
  3. N

    GP32 Flash player?

    Sounds good to me. I really hope this does happen.. I have so many flash movies I'd love to have on my GP32 :D
  4. N

    GP32 Flash player?

    Does anyone know if the GP32 Macromedia Flash player is still in the works? I wish Macromedia would release the source publicly.. It probably would have been ported by now if that was the case :lol:
  5. N

    Quake on GP32

    Someone did port Quake over to the GP32 as a test to see if it would run at all, and they did manage it. It ran at about 2-3 fps with no sound, inncorrect controls etc, as it was just a test. Not everyone got it working though, but I heard that people who had it on a 32mb or lower SMC card could...
  6. N

    Lets get some avatars uploded!!

    She says Meow... or something :ph34r:
  7. N

    GP32 Team Building!

    I've been creating games for quite a few years now, so I know games programming in general. I think I know enough C to just about get by programming a decent game.. I've made a few things for my GP32, mainly graphics and sound tests etc. I've also been developing my spriting/drawing ability...
  8. N

    Doom WIP?

    Craig, I think the Quake port only gets past the loading screen on SMCs which are 32mb or under...
  9. N

    Do you want source with that?

    Mmmm.... Duke nukem 3d on GP32... I'll look into that :D
  10. N

    Buying GP32 in the UK

    Someone needs to set up a webpage or something will all this kind of infomation on as it seems to get asked a lot by potential buyers.
  11. N

    Launcher??? GP32???

    I had that problem with Moviepark at first :huh:
  12. N

    Transfering files to GP

    Under the GP32 folders you will see another directory tree of your PC. You have to copy files in PC-link using that, meaning you'll have to treck all through your folders just to find the desktop folder. ;) I also find it very annoying that I can't just copy files straight over from my desktop...
  13. N

    MID player

    As far as I know the GP32 doesn't actually have a MIDI chip so, everything is done using software. The problem is GamePark didn't put the midi playing stuff in with the current version of the free SDK, so no one has been able to use it yet. <_< Anyway, that's just what I've read elsewere, I...
  14. N

    BIG UK Coverage!

    Good ol' B3ta ^_^
  15. N

    is there a ext port link cable to

    The Ext. port is for add-ons like the multiplayer RF module. I doubt a TV converter cable will be released for the GP32.. there just wouldn't be enough demand for it.
  16. N


    It doesn't automaticly load up when you turn your GP32 on. You have to run it from the Free Launcher program.
  17. N

    file problems?????

    He's talking about getting it running on the emulator, not actual GP32 hardware.
  18. N


    I think your Caps Lock button is jammed...
  19. N

    Gp32 internet??

    GP32 can't use a mobile phone to connect to the internet until Gamepark releases the connecter add-on. Also, there have been no signs yet of a release date for the web browser or the email program. I was looking forward to these features when I first read them on lik-sang, it's almost false...
  20. N

    I guess ill be tenth

    I would have liked to enter, but I had so much other stuff to do from college etc ;)