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  1. N

    GP32 Play Midi

    As far as I know, the midi functions in the free SDK do not currently work. I think gamepark were supposed to bring out an updated version of the SDK which fixes this, but they never did. On the other hand, one of the latest versions of GPdoom has midi support, so maybe who ever added that in...
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    *Check em out!!!* My ROM DVD covers

    Donkey Kong 3 seems to be spelt Donky Knog 3 on the back :D
  3. N

    GP32 Is there a reason this shouldn't work?

    If you're using the standard headers then it should be scanf("%d", &maxi); %d for int %l or %f for longs and floats (I think) %s for strings %c for characters I'm only human, I'm probably wrong ;)
  4. N

    Screen rubbing?

    That's probably the case :(
  5. N

    Screen rubbing?

    Even plain water can rub off the anti-reflective coating, I did it myself :/ I agree that the microfiber cloth is very good for cleaning the screen. I just used my dad's spare glasses cloth :)
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    Suggestions for meet-up venues

    The Lamb & Lion is a nice pub, it's got a backgarden too. It should be easy enough for people to find it, only a 2 min walk from the bus station/train station.
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    No MIDI players?

    The free SDK does not have the MIDI playing capabilities. They were supposed to be in there, but for some reason gamepark did not include them in the current version.
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    GP32 Jpeg and ram

    Digital cameras are not the only things that add extra header information to jpeg images. Photoshop actually adds its own thumbnail information to jpegs when they are saved, and since a lot of images on the web etc are saved in photoshop, the jpeg viewer I'm using won't read them properly. Since...
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    Smiley icon i FreeLauncher

    Do you have an FXE installed which should be showing up in the list but isn't ?
  10. N

    Smiley icon i FreeLauncher

    Looks like it could be a corrupted FXE you've got in your list.
  11. N

    How to play midi's?

    Well here's the dreamcast midi lib, and it's all in pure C. Midi lib I think all that would need to be done is to patch it into CHN's ring soundbuffer. I'd do it myself, but I know very little about sound coding. I'm more of a graphics guy ;)
  12. N

    GP32 16 Bit pixel manipiulation

    Thanks, it works now :D I'd tried doing that before, but the compiler told me that it was an incompatible type, and that kinda made sense to me, so I never bothered testing it! Stupid me... ;P Thanks for your help!
  13. N

    GP32 16 Bit pixel manipiulation

    I've been trying to do some graphics manipulation (always been my favorite) in 16 bit mode on the GP32. I've had no problem doing this in 8 bit mode, as each pixel is represented by 1 byte, but I can't quite get my head around 16 bit. As far as I understand each pixel is represented by 2 bytes...
  14. N

    What the???

    I want a GPI ;_;
  15. N

    GP32 Sin() and Cos()

    Oh, sorry. I was refering to the lookup tables for sin & cos that jlebrech put on his website. They appeared to be in Fixed point form, but I could be wrong.
  16. N

    GP32 Programming for newbies.

    I think you'll be quite hardpressed to find tutorials on how to make individual genres. Creating a fighting game before you know anything about programming is gonna be a huge task. Imagine all the frames of animation you'd have to make, then controlling them, then setting up collision boxes for...
  17. N

    GP32 Sin() and Cos()

    GP32 can use floating point maths, but it does it very slowly in some cases, Mainly division and multiplication I believe. Look up tables are faster, but I still haven't quite got my head around fixed point math yet, so they're not much use to me right now XD
  18. N

    GP32 Here are some lame screenshots

    All you have to do is scroll different sets of tiles at different rates depending on how far into the distance they're supposed to be. So if you're baseing the scroll_x value off of Player_x then you'd scroll the first layer (the one you're standing on) with scroll_x, and the layer behind that...
  19. N

    GP32 Sound Questions

    Have you tried playing a sound while blitting, but not using GpRectFill ? I found that GpRectFill was one of the slowest functions I'd come across graphics wise and therefore not really useful for clearing the screen.
  20. N

    GP32 Image Conversion

    1 dimensional arrays are just fine for images. An image which is 64 x 64 would be in an array like this: unsigned char image[4096] = {data}; like that because 64 * 64 = 4096, atleast thats the case if its in 8-bit mode and therefore only uses 1 byte per pixel. On the other hand, if you're in 16...