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    Nintendo Game?what Is The Name?

    Contra Hardcorps? (Contra 4)
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    GP32 24bit Bmp Work On The Gp32??

    Unless you've got a BMP file loader for your application, you're going to need to convert the file to the image format that the GP32 understands. Darkfader has a program on his site that can convert BMPs to GP32 8bit and 16bit format. It even has the option to pre-rotate the image 90° so its...
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    GP32 Mode7 Driving Game Engine W.i.p

    It's looking great so far! :) How fast is it running on the PC right now?
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    Ya Know, 3d Realms Realeased The Duke 3d Source

    Whoops, my bad! I really thought it was, but I just checked the source and you're right, it is C. I could have sworn ASM was what put me off when I looked into trying to port it :lol:
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    Ya Know, 3d Realms Realeased The Duke 3d Source

    The problem is Duke3D relies heavly on ASM code, and we know how much of a bitch it would be to have to re-write all that for a new processor.
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    Darius Gaiden

    You need the source code to a game in order to port it. No, the company won't give you the source code. Oh, and what's up with capitalising every word? I've never understood when people do that :blink:
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    Running Gpdoom On Geepee 32

    He ment rather than playing it through the Geepee emulator.
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    GP32 Java?

    Nope, it uses C/C++.
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    GP32 Microsoft Visual C++

    You can change which compiler MSVC uses to create the final programs, but MSVC on its own cannot compile for ARM systems. You will need to link it to the GCC compiler, so basicly all you really have is a posh IDE to use..
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    No, the system is too complex to emulate well etc etc.
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    Could You Please

    Blipped, the Xbox speed is 733Mhz. You should really check your sources ;)
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    GP32 C++

    Anyone else get the feeling they're the same person? People don't usually defend another person out of no where for no reason. It just isn't human nature ;) Not to mention he's no praising Blipped. I've never seen anyone do that before! :lol:
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    GP32 Metal Slug Clone On Gp32

    Of course, but the chances of anyone making it are quite slim.
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    GP32 C++

    Get the n00b spray.. :lol:
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    GP32 Exe To Fxe

    I'm thankful that people can't make RPGs for the Gp32 with that thing... damn.. it would be n00b nightmare x 1000 :blink:
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    Gym Music Player

    I believe the latest version of OpenSnes9xGP can play SPCs.
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    Gym Music Player

    I was working on one about half a year ago, but there were some bugs which kept causing it to crash and make static noises before I even managed to get any music to play. I showed the source code to CHN, but he couldn't see what was wrong with it either (or didn't have the time/patience :D). I...
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    GP32 What Computer Language?

    Java has it's uses and can be quite fast, but if you're interested in making games and applications, then I'd advise that you go for C or C++. Since you need to know C before you can use the ++ part, I'd try and learn plain C first. Either way, if you want to learn a language so you can code for...
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    Rf-link. - Bluetooth?

    I agree. It's 24 carat stuff, too ;)
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    GP32 Gptextout16() Doesn't Work!!

    Make sure you're linking to the 16-bit graphics lib in your make file or batch file, and also you'll need to replace #include "gpgraphic.h" with #include "gpgraphic16.h"