GP2X Port of PBSynth
Originally written for the GP32, PBSynth is a highly portable and CPU efficient virtual-analogue software synthesizer. Is features are:
- Written in highly portable and efficient ISO C++
- Can run efficiently on platforms lacking an FPU by optionally using fixed point arithmetic
- Has its own, lightweight custom GUI framework
- The architecture consists of 2 oscillators, 2 envelopes, 1 LFO and a resonant, digital FIR filter with a frequency slope of 12 or 24dB/octave
- Both oscillators can generate triangular, sawtooth and rectangular waveforms with plulse width modulation
- Built-in echo effect
On GP2X an arpeggiator with 7 different modes was added, as well as custom controls, touchscreen support, hold note mode and complete detune support for both oscillators.
See 'readme_gp2x.txt' for further details.
Originally written for the GP32, PBSynth is a highly portable and CPU efficient virtual-analogue software synthesizer. Is features are:
- Written in highly portable and efficient ISO C++
- Can run efficiently on platforms lacking an FPU by optionally using fixed point arithmetic
- Has its own, lightweight custom GUI framework
- The architecture consists of 2 oscillators, 2 envelopes, 1 LFO and a resonant, digital FIR filter with a frequency slope of 12 or 24dB/octave
- Both oscillators can generate triangular, sawtooth and rectangular waveforms with plulse width modulation
- Built-in echo effect
On GP2X an arpeggiator with 7 different modes was added, as well as custom controls, touchscreen support, hold note mode and complete detune support for both oscillators.
See 'readme_gp2x.txt' for further details.