Open console è una web-zine (ovvero una rivista pubblicata sul web), nata con lo scopo di documentare le novità riguardanti le console open-source e, come secondo fine, cercare di far conoscere a tutti questo splendido mondo, purtroppo spesso un po' sommerso.
In questo numero:
>PCEngine: the best of
>Speciale: Riot-Digital
>BennuGD-Le origini
>Ally: Copertina
>Farox: Recensioni Riot
>gigios: Recensione Riot. BennuGD - Le origini
>Kayuz: Recensioni Riot
>RZZ: Recensioni Riot. Best of Pcengine
>Zip: Coordinamento Progetto. Recensioni Riot
Open Console is an italian web-zine (a magazine published on web), it's born to report the open-source consoles news and to make know better this amazing world (often hidden at the people).
In this issue:
>PCEngine: the best of
>Special: Riot-Digital
>BennuGD-The origins
>Ally: Cover
>Farox: Riot Reviews
>gigios: Riot Reviews. BennuGD - The origins
>Kayuz: Riot Reviews.
>RZZ: Riot Reviews. Best of Pcengine
>Zip: Project Coordination. Riot Reviews.
Sito ufficiale - Official website:
In questo numero:
>PCEngine: the best of
>Speciale: Riot-Digital
>BennuGD-Le origini
>Ally: Copertina
>Farox: Recensioni Riot
>gigios: Recensione Riot. BennuGD - Le origini
>Kayuz: Recensioni Riot
>RZZ: Recensioni Riot. Best of Pcengine
>Zip: Coordinamento Progetto. Recensioni Riot
Open Console is an italian web-zine (a magazine published on web), it's born to report the open-source consoles news and to make know better this amazing world (often hidden at the people).
In this issue:
>PCEngine: the best of
>Special: Riot-Digital
>BennuGD-The origins
>Ally: Cover
>Farox: Riot Reviews
>gigios: Riot Reviews. BennuGD - The origins
>Kayuz: Riot Reviews.
>RZZ: Riot Reviews. Best of Pcengine
>Zip: Project Coordination. Riot Reviews.
Sito ufficiale - Official website: