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New kernel v3.6 & rootfs

  • Author Author Compile from blackz1982
  • Creation date Creation date
The kernel of this release is based on Linux 3.6 and the root file system is based on buildroot 2012.11.

Changes in kernel:
1)Correct partition table (The uC/OS-II loader starts at page 64, and is 192 pages long).
2)Enable support for UBIFS (UBI filesystem).
3)Add a driver for the Image Processing Unit
4)Use DMA for SD I/O
5)Adapt to new PWM framework
6)Enable RNDIS support in cdcether driver
7) More minor optimisations

Changes in rootfs:
1)Add pyclock - Clock application that includes an analog clock, a calendar, a wakeup alarm and a countdown timer. It can also be used to adjust the current system time.
2)Add DinguxCommander - Two-pane file manager in the style of Norton Commander.
3)More minor optimisations

Kernel for ILI9325, ILI9331, ILI9338. Download the version that matches the LCD controller in your Dingoo. Rename it to zImage when you put it on your SD card.
Compile from blackz1982
First release
Last update


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