Seems like some folks could use some help getting the J2ME games installed and a startup file written. I whipped up this script to make it easier. Use Termula2X or a console to install a new game.
Added horizontal/vertical control options.
02/27/09 fixed unset reverse syntax
Quick start:
- copy script to phoneme dir
- copy jar file to phoneme dir
- use terminal cli (i.e. termula2x)
- cd /dir/where/phoneme_is
- execute ./cli_install_game.gpe nameofjar y
- do not put .jar extension
- answer (h)orizontal or (v)ertical
- answer midlet # (after getting list, 0 only writes start file)
- execute nameofjar.gpe to run
- if keys don't match defaults, have to tweak
Added horizontal/vertical control options.
02/27/09 fixed unset reverse syntax
Quick start:
- copy script to phoneme dir
- copy jar file to phoneme dir
- use terminal cli (i.e. termula2x)
- cd /dir/where/phoneme_is
- execute ./cli_install_game.gpe nameofjar y
- do not put .jar extension
- answer (h)orizontal or (v)ertical
- answer midlet # (after getting list, 0 only writes start file)
- execute nameofjar.gpe to run
- if keys don't match defaults, have to tweak