gp2x code::'Blocks' complete development setup rc 7 by steven yau (nsi installer by pickle) email /
> what is this?
- this is a complete development environmet for gp2x development as a complate preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the toolchain, ide, etc from the wiki.
> what is included?
- code::'Blocks' ide nightly build (10 aug 2007):
- mingw compiler:
- sdl libraries: - octoate's devkitgp2x sdk (6 march 2006) + guyfawke updated sdl libraries (21 october 2006):
- guyfawkes sdl test [modified by me with code::blocks project setup and pc build]
- sdl template project by myself based from lazy foo's tutorials
> what isn't included?
- a warranty. you run this setup at your own risk. i am not to blame if anything goes wrong with the pc, gp2x or anything as a result of the use of these programs.
- personal support. please do not pm me for extra help in setting this up. post in the release threads and i will do my best to get round to you. this stops the same problem being sent to me dozens of times.
gp2x codeblocks devkit installation instructions
note: this package only supports the default installation option. if you choose to install this anywhere
other then the default location it is assumed you know enough to correct any settings that depend on the
installation path.
step 1: download the latest codeblock ide ( at the time of this release 'codeblocks-8.02mingw-setup.exe' is the latest.
step 2: rename the file 'codeblocks-mingw-setup.exe' and place in the same location as gp2x 'codeblocks sdk.exe'
step 3: run 'gp2x codeblot work. currently finding out why.
> shoutouts - the entire gp2x development community (too many names .)
RC7 17 may 2008
> what has been added/changed? added a nsi installer package by pickle
RC6 29 feb 2008
> what has been added/changed? - using latest stable code::'Blocks' 8.02 - todo: write a proper installer package for this.
rc 5 29 aug 2007 1111
> what has been added/changed? - fixed template to output the right file type on lgp. - removed open2x due to difficulty with sdl_mixer. - made a sdl lgpl version of devkitgp2x by creating a second lib folder.
rc 4 20 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - added both devkitgp2x (gpl) sdk and open2x (lgpl) - hopefully vista support - configured the sdl test and template to use both compiles as separate build targets.
rc 3 18 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - updated the sdl libraries for open2x
rc 2 16 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - gdb 6.6 has been installed over 6.3
rc 1 16 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - everything, it is the first version
> what is this?
- this is a complete development environmet for gp2x development as a complate preconfigured package as many people are still having trouble setting up the toolchain, ide, etc from the wiki.
> what is included?
- code::'Blocks' ide nightly build (10 aug 2007):
- mingw compiler:
- sdl libraries: - octoate's devkitgp2x sdk (6 march 2006) + guyfawke updated sdl libraries (21 october 2006):
- guyfawkes sdl test [modified by me with code::blocks project setup and pc build]
- sdl template project by myself based from lazy foo's tutorials
> what isn't included?
- a warranty. you run this setup at your own risk. i am not to blame if anything goes wrong with the pc, gp2x or anything as a result of the use of these programs.
- personal support. please do not pm me for extra help in setting this up. post in the release threads and i will do my best to get round to you. this stops the same problem being sent to me dozens of times.
gp2x codeblocks devkit installation instructions
note: this package only supports the default installation option. if you choose to install this anywhere
other then the default location it is assumed you know enough to correct any settings that depend on the
installation path.
step 1: download the latest codeblock ide ( at the time of this release 'codeblocks-8.02mingw-setup.exe' is the latest.
step 2: rename the file 'codeblocks-mingw-setup.exe' and place in the same location as gp2x 'codeblocks sdk.exe'
step 3: run 'gp2x codeblot work. currently finding out why.
> shoutouts - the entire gp2x development community (too many names .)
RC7 17 may 2008
> what has been added/changed? added a nsi installer package by pickle
RC6 29 feb 2008
> what has been added/changed? - using latest stable code::'Blocks' 8.02 - todo: write a proper installer package for this.
rc 5 29 aug 2007 1111
> what has been added/changed? - fixed template to output the right file type on lgp. - removed open2x due to difficulty with sdl_mixer. - made a sdl lgpl version of devkitgp2x by creating a second lib folder.
rc 4 20 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - added both devkitgp2x (gpl) sdk and open2x (lgpl) - hopefully vista support - configured the sdl test and template to use both compiles as separate build targets.
rc 3 18 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - updated the sdl libraries for open2x
rc 2 16 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - gdb 6.6 has been installed over 6.3
rc 1 16 aug 2007
> what has been added/changed? - everything, it is the first version