If you all remember my Gmenu2x iconset upload a while back, you should know of the FuturoSoft iconset. Well, it's back and on the F-200, looking slick. You can locate the Futurosoft iconset sources on KDE-Look and GNOME-Look websites. Basically, it's a vista-like iconset for the Linux desktop -- now tailored for the F-200. It uses the same install script as TuxSkin, however I slimlined it, so it only copies files changed, so as I have done. I first installed TuxSkin, and then placed my FuturoSoft in there to create a TuxSkin/FuturoSoft merge. If you install FuturoSoft over the original F-200 skin, you will not see the Tux's in the wallpapers, but just the F-200 wallpapers. Enjoy!