From the original Dragon's Lair arcade game. about 2 1/2 seconds. sounds cool!
Make sure you unzip first...
Attention! -- To create your own, sounds have to be 22050 kh 16 bit, or your gp2x will bypass the 'updating firmware' screen! --
Instructions I got from this site to add start-up sound to your gp2x:
Put it on an empty SD card and start your GP2X while holding Start + Select. A FIRMWARE UPGRADING screen will show up, then it should load back to the menu. Reboot and hear the new bootsound. Can be removed from Card after completed.
-- personally, Ive updated my boot sound without my SD card being empty [tried it on a 2GB and an 8GB.] tis may only work on the new f-200. not sure, as I never owned any other gp2x model.
Make sure you unzip first...
Attention! -- To create your own, sounds have to be 22050 kh 16 bit, or your gp2x will bypass the 'updating firmware' screen! --
Instructions I got from this site to add start-up sound to your gp2x:
Put it on an empty SD card and start your GP2X while holding Start + Select. A FIRMWARE UPGRADING screen will show up, then it should load back to the menu. Reboot and hear the new bootsound. Can be removed from Card after completed.
-- personally, Ive updated my boot sound without my SD card being empty [tried it on a 2GB and an 8GB.] tis may only work on the new f-200. not sure, as I never owned any other gp2x model.