This is a more advanced and friendly Beat2x Step File Generator which DOES NOT require the .NET framework, and will accept virtually any of the following formats: .WAV .MP3 .MIDI
The README contained within the zip contains ALL the information you could possible want to know about this program.
It is a BETA so look out for some amazing improvements in the coming weeks.
UPDATE: Updated the display which looks absolutely incredible! Live beat2x step display emulation is included so you can see your steps similar to how they will look when played on Beat2x.
Fixed a few bugs!
I've fixed the 'Save Steps' error so you can actually save them now! Sorry about this problem, I should've noticed it sooner!
Also I've included the first limited version of the Step Previwer module which can play Beat2x step files (EXCEPT ONES WHICH USE DEFs) So the idea is to use it with Step files generated with my step gen.
The README contained within the zip contains ALL the information you could possible want to know about this program.
It is a BETA so look out for some amazing improvements in the coming weeks.
UPDATE: Updated the display which looks absolutely incredible! Live beat2x step display emulation is included so you can see your steps similar to how they will look when played on Beat2x.
Fixed a few bugs!
I've fixed the 'Save Steps' error so you can actually save them now! Sorry about this problem, I should've noticed it sooner!
Also I've included the first limited version of the Step Previwer module which can play Beat2x step files (EXCEPT ONES WHICH USE DEFs) So the idea is to use it with Step files generated with my step gen.