Recent content by tofdz

  1. tofdz

    [Ported Game] Widelands

    Same error for me too !
  2. tofdz

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    Better than that : i receive mine today ! Take a moment to test it, and find a sd card. Yes I'm lucky and I know it : just a little word for those who are waiting, it's better than expected ! Thank you OPT !
  3. tofdz

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    I receive a mail from jacquelyn and my number from UPS. Really really happy :D
  4. tofdz

    Emails to remaining preorders.

    Every time i send a email to jacquelyn, i receive an answer in a very short delay. Maybe the angry guy need to understand how to send an email ? :rolleyes: I'm a batch 2 - 1ghz upgrader. Really wish that others like me receive their pandora, maybe it be a long time since the order but ...
  5. tofdz

    1Ghz units resuming shipping next month

    Happy to read some news ! Do you have an idea of the 1ghz number you are going to ship ? Thanks you craig to continue, even if the situation isn't pretty good ;)
  6. tofdz

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    Why there is not a list ? :D Can edit the first post ? ^_^
  7. tofdz

    1GHZ ! Let's go :D

    1GHZ ! Let's go :D
  8. tofdz

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    Thanks OP team ! And specially to Jacquelyn ;) Queue position : 89 Really happy :D Hope a "dedicasse" on it ;) and a long life for the Pandora Project ;) Un ptit frenchy qui attends sagement ^^