Recent content by toddgjinla225

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    Zx-81 Appreciation Thread :)

    Woohoo!!! Great work!!
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    Zx-81 Appreciation Thread :)

    I just donated! Again, thanks again for all your hard work! Can't wait for the Atari 8bit emu!
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    Zx-81 Appreciation Thread :)

    I second that!! Awesome work with these ports! Thank you so much for your hard work!
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    Dingoo Running Debian-Mipsel Apps In Dingux

    Hi guys, I've been trying to get an Atari 800 emulator based in debian-mipsel running under dingux. I've been following the guide I've seen on these forums on how to do this. I've gotten as far as getting all the lib's together and re-packaging it. I've got it on the dingoo now and trying to...
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    Dingoo Atari 800 Emulator For Dingux?

    Yes, I totally agree. C64 port was released today!! Woohoo!!! The Atari 800 is also my favorite 8bit computer.(my first) Hopefully someone will port it over and I can die happy with my
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    Dingoo Atari 800 Emulator For Dingux?

    Now that we have an Atari ST and Atari 2600 emulators for the Dingoo(Dingux) out, I'm hoping for an Atari 800 emulator!!! Is anyone working on this by chance? I can't program myself, but would definitely donate to the cause!! I know theres an Atari 800 port for the GP2X, so hopefully it...