You'd be amazed at how often the linux command prompt makes things a lot easier.
Trying to give people help to solve windows problems can be really overcomplicated sometimes - a bit like trying to give someone street directions.
Very often when you have a linux related problem someone on the...
I spent a whole evening trying to get this to work.
You are doing this right - there is just one hitch. To get the installer to run on a newer dingoo (like mine and yours) you need to pull the USB cable out at just the right instant once the commands have successfully run. If you get the timing...
I own a Dingoo but not a wiz (yet! - yes I know I'm posting in the wrong section)
Basically there IS a diagonal tearing issue on some Dingoo units - mine has this issue in some circumstances but it is not usually that noticeable. I can't say whether a new unit bought now would have the issue as...
Well.. As a token gesture at trying to drag this thread back on topic...
Native Dingoo stuff
When I first got the dingoo I played some nes and gba games then I downloaded the update pack for native emulators:
here it is...
True enough...
But the website is called after all! :)
I'm also glad that us few dingoo users get to share space here too. I had a GP32 a few years ago and it's good to be posting back on the old forum!
I may get a pandora - but I won't be in the first batch and until the pandora...
Well, I've been playing around with the nes version of Elite using the native nes emulator.
It works very well. I've had less luck with the dingux emu's so far but I don't really have them set up properly as I just rarely use them.
And by the way Kalisiin. I am definitely no genius at dingux...
1,2 &3
I can't really help you overly much on the snes emulator - To my shame I never owned a snes! (Was still playing with a sinclair spectrum at the time)
I can say that I have not had much luck getting Yoshi's island to run - but I'm more used to the GBA advance version anyway and this...
That is a problem with the megadrive emulator. I don't think it is usable like that!
For picodrive you need to install dingux - but it is definitely worth it!
If you really don't want to try that I believe there is an update to the native firmware megadrive emulator.
here it is...
Please don't start that!
I unplugged it from the amp at the weekend when we were tidying the front room and now there is a great big Dreamcast shaped hole staring at me from under the TV. It's making me feel bad :( .
I'm keeping it close by so I can easily plug it in to the front of the amp...
Thanks - I'll have a better look at the Xbox section.
Hadn't even looked into getting an Xbox so I don't know what games are on it. I think I'm doing more research into spending £60 than lot of people will do before spending hundreds on Sony's latest machine :D !
My main consoles under the TV are Dreamcast and Gamecube right now.
There is no way I can afford a PS3 if current price predictions are to be believed so it's Nintendo for me! I've got a load of gamecube games that will already run on the Wii.
But I was thinking of replacing my Dreamcast with...
You must be missing the BBC B acorn basic rom! (or its in the wrong form or the wrong place on your SD card)
I know nothing about this emulator and I don't even own a GP2X - but I used to own a BBC model B and I once forgot to plug the ROM board back in.
What you've just described is EXACTLY...
Having worked in high schools for the last 6 years I can confirm that all these mascots mean that nintendo has an image problem with our teenage crowd.
If you ask them what they think of when you say the words playstation or Xbox they start to tell you about their favourite game (and it could...
A little off-topic here - but is Sony paying stores to stock more of their products?
I ask this because I'm clueless as to why my local game and gamestations both have at least one whole wall stocked floor to ceiling with UMD movies that NOBODY seems to be looking at let alone buying. Even the...