Recent content by TheGoodDoktor

  1. T

    Pandora Pancake Pandora Sdk Survey

    154d505bc07869fa940151ef1de028c6 Would love a port of the Pandora OS for Beagleboard so I can write and release Pandora apps without the need to own one.
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    Neon Geometry Acceleration

    Hi I'm currently looking at optimising the geometry code of my project. Originally I was just using standard software routines for geometry functions and although performance was reasonable I knew I would be able to speed it up using the NEON. So far I've just done simple stuff like NEON...
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    Having Trouble Getting Started With Gl Es 2...

    Sorry, in that case you want to do something similar to what is outlined for the Beagleboard: I'm a Beagleboard developer rather than a Pandora developer so I apologise if this information is way off the mark but as far as I know...
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    Advanced Tactical Fighter

    For the raytrace I mean a function which you specify a line in 3d and it will trace this line through the scene and determine if it hits anything and where, if you're using a heightmap you can write a pretty optimal one. You can use this for projectiles, sight checks and many other useful...
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    Advanced Tactical Fighter

    I think you should add a shadow to the craft, that would make a big difference. Moving forwards it would be a good idea to get a raytrace implemented then maybe a projectile system and a particle system so you could fire weapons. Do you do any processing using the heightmap prior to rendering...
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    Having Trouble Getting Started With Gl Es 2...

    The PowerVR SDK has good step by step tutorials, I had no trouble installing it and getting it working under XP, I haven't tried Linux but if it follows the same directory structure the libs & headers should be under the 'builds' folder in the SDK root. I also found this book helpful...
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    Caprice32 Opengl Es 2.0

    I had this problem too the other day. It is a problem with the driver & powervr module not matching. If you are using version .06 of the gles driver revert the module back to version 1397 and that should fix it, it did for me.
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    Transparency Sorting On The Sgx

    OK, never mind I guess they had their reasons. I suppose if I am depth sorting transparencies myself I can try rendering them without a discard in the fragment shader.
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    Transparency Sorting On The Sgx

    Hi Years ago when I worked on the Dreamcast one of the features it had which we really liked was the fact that it sorted transparencies. Now the SGX is a descendant of the CLX2(the DC's Holly chip) I was always under the impression that it would sort transparencies too but I can't find any...
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    Image To Trimesh

    Sounds interesting. Could you explain what you want to use this for? If it's to speed up rendering on the PVR you might be better off rendering the whole sprite as alpha blended (with no alpha testing) after the opaque scene has been rendered. [Edit] Sorry didn't read the other posts before...
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    Pandora Buying A Beagleboard While Waiting For Pandora

    It is DVI-D but through an HDMI socket (probably for size reasons) it isn't full HDMI as TI specify on numerous occasions! (I think due to licensing).
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    Pandora Buying A Beagleboard While Waiting For Pandora

    I have a rev C Beagleboard and I'm very pleased with it. I wasn't going to get one originally as I was planning on waiting for the Pandora, well what do you know - I got impatient! This board is definitely not for the beginner in fact I'd only recommend it if you are planning on developing for...
  13. T

    SGX GLES 1.1 performance issues

    I have been and still are. Can you provide any links to documentation that recommends acceptable ranges?
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    SGX GLES 1.1 performance issues

    The original code wrote tri-strips directly to the command list that was sent to the gfx chip. I'm now using indexed triangle lists using the VBO for the original tri-strips. I now normally typically get: Frame Time 34 MS [Misc.] Texture Changes 0, Draw Calls 0, Vertices 0 [2D UI] Texture...
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    SGX GLES 1.1 performance issues

    It does look like the draw calls doesn't it! It generally works by doing a draw call per tri-strip, which is a bad thing. I'm a bit out of touch with rendering APIs (as you've probably guessed!) so I need to do a bit of studying! The renderer is still at the 'just get it working' stage but I...