Recent content by symbiat

  1. S

    Chuckie Egg

    Hell, even the Tatung Einstein had a version of Chuckie Egg! (I do remember playing it on my Beeb back in the day). A true classic... last time I played that was on a Speccy emulator on my Psion 5 :D
  2. S

    Whats Up With ?

    Is it no longer maintained?
  3. S

    Map Where You Are!

    Im the only one in New York City?
  4. S

    Whats Up With ?

    Seems like all the graphics on the site are missing - or is it just me?
  5. S

    Where To Buy Cheap Sm Cards In The Us

    Yep - they cancelled my order! :angry: I wish... either they are around $50 or they are $20 plus $20 shipping (I dont think mailing a SMC costs $20!). Yes I mean SMC of course.
  6. S

    Where Can I Buy Smart Media Cards From?

    SmartMedia cards are pretty hard to find in the US. (If you do find someone selling one, often it will be around $50 :angry: ). I found a few sources of cheap 128Mb SmartMedia cards (cheapest listed first): ($28) ($35) ($40)...
  7. S

    Sources Of Cheap Sm Cards In The Us

    Having read through many FAQs and doing a lot of research it appears SmartMedia cards are pretty hard to find in the US. (If you do find someone selling one, often it will be around $50 :angry: ). I found a few sources of cheap 128Mb SmartMedia cards (cheapest listed first)...
  8. S

    Where To Buy Cheap Sm Cards In The Us

    Having read through many FAQs and doing a lot of research it appears SmartMedia cards are pretty hard to find in the US. (If you do find someone selling one, often it will be around $50 :angry: ). I found a few sources of cheap 128Mb SmartMedia cards (cheapest listed first)...