Recent content by Shinkinrui

  1. Shinkinrui

    Android Console Yinlips Ydp-G18

    Well, I've thrown caution to the wind and ordered one. It was just too tempting, and I had some leftover Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket :P I didn't trust submitting payment info to websites that didn't have SSL, so I found a website that was verisigned and accepted paypal. Some...
  2. Shinkinrui

    Android Console Yinlips Ydp-G18

    Hey guys, just joined up because I'm very close to pulling the trigger on this thing and this seemed as good a place as any to discuss it. I've never owned any of the systems this board is mainly for, but I am a big Android fan and I'm looking forward to having a good handheld for retro...