Recent content by rbenchley

  1. rbenchley

    Ubuntu On Pandora

    Someone can just as easily ask why buy a Pandora when you can buy a DS, PSP or iPhone. Some people have strong preferences for particular Linux distros or like to experiment with different OSes. When the Pandora is first released, Ångström will be a better choice than Ubuntu, but that might...
  2. rbenchley

    The port request topic

    Alien vs Predator is open source, so hopefully we'll see a port on the Pandora. As for CDi emulators, as far as I know, there is only the cleverly titled CDi Emulator project. As of right now it is closed source and Windows only, but the programmer has spoken of source release as a possibility...
  3. rbenchley

    Pandora Pandora Emulator Frontend

    It looks like you guys are doing awesome work, but I wanted to make a suggestion. There is a program for Windows and Linux called GCstar that is used for cataloging games, movies, etc. For game collections, it pulls info from MobyGames, GameSpot, Amazon, etc. One of the spiffy features, is...
  4. rbenchley

    The Keyboard

    Whatever the developers decide is fine by me. If I have trouble getting used to the key layout, I'll just break out the flexible, roll-up keyboard and plug it into the USB port.
  5. rbenchley

    Can these games be ported? (Reasonable list)

    Baldur's Gate (and all other Infinity Engine games: Baldur's Gate II, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale I & II) have an excellent chance of running on the Pandora. I forget who it was, but someone looked at the GemRB Infinity Engine interpreter and said that it shouldn't be too difficult to get...