Recent content by Olexxy

  1. O

    I Did Stuff

    Any news on this fine looking game ? I can't wait to play this :)
  2. O

    PCB production continues (2011-01-04)

    Double email received today ;) : :D And I am not in the uk to receive it :P Back next week though :)
  3. O


    From the first message I got the impression you are looking for dragons-like investors with connections within the business, and that is not my case unfortunately.. But otherwise I am interested as well ;)
  4. O

    Ok I Tried The Whole Separate Appdata Dir Thing

    Actually why isn't it the case (/home/username without the initial /pandora) ? Don't have my pandora yet so can't comment much, but I thought you would just use standard linux tree system with clever merging with user info on nand and/or sd ?
  5. O

    International Pandora Launch Party

    London (I live there), Bristol, Bedford etc or any place easy enough to reach has my vote :)
  6. O

    Agapito: A New Game

    Looks really good, and I love these games, hope you will release it, I'll definitely play it :)
  7. O

    Minimal Angstrom Image?

    For instance Compiz/grid plugin does that, and more than just half left/right placements
  8. O

    2 New Blog Posts: 98% Success Rate! + Lightpipes

    Just to voice my opimion, I 100% agree with all MDave comments in this thread. In addition, although I am happy as is, I don't think ED's right about the wifi logo, the dot with emitting lines as on the picture is fairly generic for any type of wireless emission, for instance I have it on my...
  9. O

    Countdown To Production Unit Showcase 7 Day(S)

    So what ? Why care about this info exactly ? As a customer, you want your product, and you have an insurance for it, the internal of the business to produce it is not your business. Sorry Monk, but since you took a bite a few months ago on this forum and didn't like it, I find your posts more...
  10. O

    Surely The Case Moulds Should Be Done By Now ?

    Thanks for clearing that up, especially you (the engineer of the team ^^) consider you have not compromised on the quality side. I personally don't care much where quality comes from, and your comment is welcome here. I think some discussions were firing up because you announced as an obvious...
  11. O


    Don't think so, Craigix was the first to say he was making it and that it will be ready a few hours later (and had already teased people about it some weeks ago before that). Then it doesn't happen, tough and reflects badly on the whole team/project, but that's his fault for saying it was coming...
  12. O


    Well Foobar is not about looks but all about the engine under the hood, and this is what makes it so much better than others. So no it's definitely not a 1h job for audiophiles enthusiasts. Btw the default gui can be extensively modified if wanted to look like itune or ipod or anything, although...
  13. O

    Batch 2 Release Date

    Thanks Ed for all the answers provided here :) I don't write often here, I am just following with good interest the project, and will certainly not cancel my order based on the noise made by some people here, although I understand questions being raised. In my view, there is no misleading at...
  14. O

    Release Video Killed The Blog Star

    Why not posting these videos on newsgroups or some p2p ? Would be better than waiting weeks... All my usual pseudos are already taken on youtube, I would prefer not to create yet again a new one just for that....
  15. O

    Release First prodcution samples of Pandora keymat

    Like others I am happy with this solution, it's a good compromise with all the suggestions made so far. However on the small complaint side I think the choice of the font for the letters is not the best, I would prefer something closer to usual microsoft / logitech beyboards, with all letters...