Recent content by mosra

  1. M

    Map2x 0.0.6, A Simple Navigation System

    Thanks for the notice, it looks like Google has changed their system (again). I will repair the map downloader utility and upload the new version as soon as possible. At this time Map2X can now read only packed maps or unpacked maps created before this change (with "zoom=" in tiles' filename)...
  2. M

    Gp2x-write: A Text Editor For Gp2x V1.1.0

    I had quite the same idea with the keyboard, but with L and R buttons added (for more combinations). I am working on something similiar for my apps, this kind of keyboard for F100 and touchscreen keyboard for F200, I want to have it fully configurable (so it would be easy to create different...
  3. M

    Map2x 0.0.6, A Simple Navigation System

    I'm so sorry, I was in Purgatory, now I can reply. Tutorial is tricky, but if you manage it once, then it's easy. There are some important things: If you see grey background and some stop signs instead of your map, it means that your map wasn't downloaded/packed. There are two most common...
  4. M

    Map2x 0.0.6, A Simple Navigation System

    Map2X is a simple navigation system (or map viewer) for GP2X. Supports Google Maps and Czech server You can choose different map types (e.g. basic or terain map) and overlays (e.g. land relief). Touchscreen support for F200 (needs testing on FW > 4.0.0). Please help with translations...