Recent content by montezuma

  1. M

    What Are Your Favourite 8/16 Bit Soundtracks/songs?

    ah i remember that great GODS track. there was an amiga demo by the group Anarchy they had a remix of that track, which was really cool. here it is:
  2. M

    Caanoo Starter Kit

    awesome, im new here and can already see u are king of caanoo .. so cheers bafelton can i ask, for each system (eg. snes) do u try all the emulators available and then use the best one avail for your pack?
  3. M

    What Are Your Favourite 8/16 Bit Soundtracks/songs?

    C64 fans should enjoy this one below... :) ps. to actually embed youtube videos into this forum (rather than just displaying a link), use the following method:
  4. M

    Mame4All Compatible Roms

    i always seem to have trouble with mame4all roms. there doesnt seem to be one definitive and complete working 'set' out there. instead it seems a mish-mash of roms from different versions of mame is the only way to end up with a full/complete working romset for mame4all. see the link below for...
  5. M

    Getting Mame4All (+Other Emus) To Load A 2000+ Gamelist Super Fast&#33

    i had recently got the full mame4all romset (2000+ games) and so put them in the 'roms' folder (found in the MAME4All folder) then i noticed that now when using mame4all, waiting times between choosing/playing games are much longer, because mame4all has to display a big list of 2000+ games...