Pandora 1Ghz
GCW Zero
Dingoo A320
DS Lite
Zodiac 1
Palm Zire 72
and several Palm m500 and m515 which are also great for handheld gaming.
Found some hints on the web that POSE needs a file called HostFS.prc to emulate external SD cards. Not sure how good it works though.
Starting with the m500 model and Palm OS 4.0 most Palm devices actually had SD card slots. Those I've been using certainly have this feature. :)
I use my m500...
I want to add/ emulate an external SD Card inside POSE. Is that possible?
That way I could use a BackupMan backup set from my dear Palm m500 which is still in use without importing each file separately.
Some of my Coleco faves which haven't been mentioned yet:
Antarctic Adventure:
Dragon Fire:
H.E.R.O.: I like the Coleco version more than any other one.
Jungle Hunt:
Spy Hunter:
I would also be willing to pay about 80 € more for a bigger e-ink screen on the lid. Great idea! My main use would be reading ebooks and displaying all sorts of static information. In my opinion a small 2-3 line display on the front of the case wouldn't make full use of all the opportunities...
Slaanesh hat MAME4ALL v1.2 for Dingoo A320 Native veröffentlicht mit ner ganzen Latte an Neuerungen:
- Big update to memory handling means more memory for games.
- Huge update to FAME CPU emulator now plays every M68000 game.
- New compressed graphics storage - larger games now work.
- Lots of...
Re: AW: Pandora zur GPS Routenplanung?
<r>Super, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Vielleicht gibts ja noch nen goldenen Herbst und Gelegenheit zum Test. <EMOJI seq="1f601">:grin:</EMOJI></r>
Also auf den ersten Eindruck gefällt mir ModRana ziemlich gut, aber ob es neben dem tollen GUI auch das liefert, was ich brauche (Routen direkt aufs Garmin exportieren) muss noch getestet werden.