Hi, when I run this it launches and I can see the outline of the controller configuration window and if I hold a button it then goes into the controller config screen but I don't see any text.
I am guessing it is a graphics driver issue as when I tried RetroArch I got the issue where the...
Just to say, I sent my Pandora away for this fix after ordering through the website and now have my console back in perfect working order.
Great service.
Seems it was a DNS issue after all.
I was using my Virgin Router for DNS so I installed DNS on my Windows 2012 Server and switched to that and it seems to be working normally now.
Interestingly the same issue affected a laptop I have running Xubuntu so it isn't limited to the Pandora.
Must be...
I applied the update wjhich was successful and the Pandora now conntects to my network more reliably.
I do still have a weird DNS issue though.
If I use Links (text based browser) I can surf the web by using DNS names and hyperlinks but neither Firefox or Midori will do the same. They...
I am running Super Zaxxon 1.71 and I'm having a weird issue.
Sometimes I can connect to my wireless network and sometimes I can't. It's more reliable with a USB adaptor.
When I am connected I can use text based apps to ping IP Addresses and DNS names both internally and externally.
The Links...