Recent content by mikeeeee

  1. M

    Testing Renderer Speeds? Benchmarking?

    I used this one here which I downloaded yesterday which is apparently the one which works. :huh: could the method I use be a reason? Since I do alot of graphic manipulation with my optimised algorithms a screenbuffer is held within the renderer, when the flip command is called the buffer is...
  2. M

    Testing Renderer Speeds? Benchmarking?

    Hey, My attempts to use mmuhack are not very successful. The fb is allocated in upper memory within my lib's renderer initialise function using: CODE int Uppermemfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); //Open the memory for reading/writing fb = (unsigned short*)mmap(0, 320*240*sizeof(unsigned short)...
  3. M

    Testing Renderer Speeds? Benchmarking?

    Not sure if this is the correct section so sorry if I posted in the incorrect area. I have wrote a renderer which is highly optimised for 16bit 565RGB and ported it to the GP2X from Windows Mobile, I am unsure how to go about testing the speed of it and to how this would be deemed fair. The...