Recent content by malushi88

  1. M


    thanks. im a n00b so please cut me some slack. but thanks, i kinda figured they would be external but you never know
  2. M


    is emulation built in or theoretical? i want to play nes and snes mostly, maybe gb and gbc.
  3. M

    Gp32 On Gp2x?

    Man, that just sends tingles down my spine...
  4. M

    Gp32 On Gp2x?

    After all this talk, i don't feel like crosscompiling and setting up games for GP2X anymore. sorry guys. The most complicated coding operation i've ever done was make a GUI program in java that shows how much you would weigh on all 9 planets (theoretically of course, ive never been to pluto...
  5. M

    Gp32 On Gp2x?

    would the modification to make a linux game run on the gp2x be major? maybe i could learn that and use my knowledge to contribute back the the GP world. Don't hold me to it, it's just an idea.
  6. M

    Gp32 On Gp2x?

    Good, cause i downloaded a GP32 emulator for the PC and there are some sweet games out there. Theoretically, couldn't i just download Linux games from the web and play them on the GP2X?
  7. M

    Gp32 On Gp2x?

    Will the new GP2X be able to play GP32 games out of the box? Will at least be able to emulate it? That would be really sweet because there are already tons of GP32 games out there just waiting to be downloaded.
  8. M

    Gp2x In The Usa

    Hey hey, lets be nice to the n00b, but thanks again. i'll get back with you when i try some of your software -bookmarks site-
  9. M

    Gp2x In The Usa

    Hey thanks alot everyone. I can't wait to get one of these babies (I'm asking for it for Christmas). One final question, though. What are the best sites to download software for this thing at?
  10. M

    Gp2x In The Usa

    I know of two sites i can order a GP2X from: and can anyone let me in on how reliable each source is? which is the better of the two to order from? and finally, is there any US retailer that will sell this thing? (this would be most helpful) Thanks for...