Recent content by logen

  1. L

    So where are we with the Pyra--really?

    Discord is sadness.
  2. L

    So where are we with the Pyra--really?

    Wow, Pyras are still backlogged? Guess I'm glad I decided to go the pre-pre order route. I wonder if there's anything that can be done to help ED out, I'm sure people would voluenteer. But yea, updates look like they've been sparse.
  3. L

    Pyra touch screen failure

    Has anyone else had an issue where the touch screen stops being detected yet? Pretty sure mine failed within the first few months. I used it one day, and the next it was no longer detected. I reset everything (both hardware wise and software) and the touch screen hasn't been detected since...
  4. L

    What are you playing this weekend/these days?

    I played Dynasty Warriors Origins last week. I plan to get back to it soon. It's fantastic. Easily the best since Dynasty warriors 3. It's different, 9 was sadness, but this is just.... I can't get over it. Koei tried! They actually tried for the first time in over a decade. Graphics are...
  5. L

    Finally, a bit more news!

    Wish I could help @EvilDragon I have some time and some will, but not the skills. If someone wants to mentor me, I'd be glad to help out!
  6. L

    Touchscreen stopped responding

    Finally got around to taking it apart again. Still no touch ><. What should I be looking for to see if the touch screen is even somewhat noticed by Linux? I reseat all connectors and still nothing. Short of assuming the touch screen to be dead I'm out of ideas of what to try next.
  7. L

    Customation, and its dangers for the Update System

    I think this is what you wanted.
  8. L

    Customation, and its dangers for the Update System

    When messing with config files, it's common practice to first make a backup of the current config. So cp /path/to/ /path/to/myfile.OLD That way you can always revert. Not sure if the rules file is online, but you should be able to find it in the memory card install version of the os...
  9. L

    Anyone else have problems with the underscore ("_") on Bullseye?

    I can get the underscore working by doing a 'xmodmap -e "keycode 221 = underscore"' But I'm pretty sure that's what the keymap does anyway. (Disclaimer: Not an expert in reading keymap files) Easy fix to throw in with my startup scripts, but it sure seems weird. Works fine on the old Buster...
  10. L

    Customation, and its dangers for the Update System

    Also, don't forget to document everything you have done in case you need to start over fresh!
  11. L

    Touchscreen stopped responding

    Thanks for the ideas, but I did pull both cables on the display board. I'll probably give it a try again someday when I'm motivated to work on it. But from what I saw, the touch screen plugs into the board, there's a push on cable that I'm not entirely sure what it does, and then the ribbon...
  12. L

    Touchscreen stopped responding

    It very well could be, I ended up taking it apart. It was easy, but no success in fixing touch ><.
  13. L

    Touchscreen stopped responding

    I don't use the touchscreen much, but it suddenly stopped being detected. I suspected a software issue as it broke upon doing one thing, and fixed upon undoing that thing. However, now on a fresh flash the touch screen is still not detected. I suspect a wire or two needs to be reseated. Before...
  14. L

    Reflashing eMMC not working with "install" images?

    Wait, what's this "?C=M;O=D" magic? I had no idea this existed. Gonna have to try the Bullseye 42 EDIT: Just realized that was organizing. No idea how I missed this before.
  15. L

    Beginning Development

    Hi, I'm a Linux enthusiast, hobbyist developer, and Pyra owner. I would like to help work on the various problems that the Pyra has. However, most of my programming experience is exploring minor curiosities, not so much in working towards some grand project. So really, nothing directly...