GP32 days were awesome.. I remember some of the flame wars that kicked off (craigix vs the French stands out in memory). Classic! I never got into GP2X and once my GP32 blew up I guess I more or less stick to Off Topic.
I did exactly this a couple of years after Uni in 2003.. Aussie working holiday visas were a lot harsher back then - you could only work for 3 months at a time - these days I believe its up to 6 months in any one job. To get the visa, just apply online and it goes to your email. Print this off...
Follow the advice above and then to verify you're clean do the following;
Have a look in the Windows\PreFetch directory, this is usually where the tell tale signs of a virus hide out.. also delete any Restore Points after the date of infection as this will bring back the virus. Use wireshark to...
You probably need to install the nvidia drivers outside of X to get them running correctly - e.g. Control+Alt+F1 to a text terminal and then install the drivers through apt-get.. following this edit the xorg.conf file to the settings you need (you will need to google for the settings required)...
You probably need a Java Softphone of some sort? I use a CISCO one myself, but there must be an opensource one around somewhere.. I do know that you can make and receive SIP calls from a Nintendo DS hooked into a WLAN (not tried it yet)
I've been using my mobile (crappy Sharp TM100) for the last 7 years and see no need to change it. It does what it does - e.g. talk and txt - Iphones, Ipads, Iwhatevers seem to be all the rage - but for all the e-waste it produces from continually upgrading just so people can be on your arsebook...
I use a combination of Fedora 12 & Mint 7 mostly. Looking forward to the releases coming up shortly. Also have FreeBSD/xfce, but wish it had more support - the linux "layer" is a customised version of Fed10!
I recently installed a base FreeBSD system and configured it from there.. e.g. choose desktop [XFCE], window manager, wifi, etc.. no sense in re-inventing the wheel if the base parts work ok.
Your xorg.conf file will need a fair few monitor types and resolutions etc listed as well as...
Here's an idea.. setup a web cam conference with them to wire the money across and then send the url for some dodgy p0rn giant dildos-while-you-watch; that way you're giving them the shaft (quite literally) and a rick roll at the same time.
I think Avatar has brought the movie industry kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Thats how it should be done.. the last 5 movies I went to with GF were all utter crap. (esp. couldn't believe how lame the Adam Sandler one was.. )
Only fault with Avatar was the horses.. they just...
are you able to downgrade to grub v1.5? I'm using that at the moment and find it very easy and stable to use. Also I guess check to see if Start Up Manager is in the 9.10 repos??