Recent content by jeanvalery

  1. jeanvalery

    Sales Why does PayPal do not work?

    Thanks now I can sleep happy :)
  2. jeanvalery

    Sales Why does PayPal do not work?

    To avoid this kind of problem, i ordered from german site, but I live in France. It went very well but I hope it won't make any trouble, since it was said to order from the english site if not from Germany...
  3. jeanvalery

    Pandora sales

    Oops had not seen mazza's post...
  4. jeanvalery

    Pandora sales

    You're welcome ;) A little question here : since I couldn't order immediatly my pandora, (I did it today around 1pm) can I know if i'm in the first 3k batch, or at least in the potetial 4k? Will I be noticed through a mail or something? Anyway, thanks for the hard work!