Recent content by ike

  1. I

    YAY!!! I took the plunge

    I agree. I got mine from lik-sang and customs took great pleasure in biting my wallet off at the elbow. A guy at work bought an FLU version from gbax for less than I ended up paying. My, was I annoyed.
  2. I


    Flood was one of the ones that did it. It happened on the loader. I don't know which version (automation/medway etc) though.
  3. I


    Definitely not the batteries, it's happened with new batteries fresh in. I thought of that and retried the offending rom - same crash, same wiped card. Hey Ho. ;)
  4. I


    I've had exactly the same problem when using castaway (always when the GP32 resets itself). The SMC card just gets trashed, I assumed it was a problem with the card being accessed when it reset and a power spike wiping the data (just guessing, might not be possible). It's happened about four...