I know it is an old post but I think to call Gamingvisor a VR headset is an exaggeration. GV is not even 3D in itself - that's just an option when using it with a PC (not a console) through a third-party software which runs a game to output a 3D SBS display. GC is more like a monitor with a head...
More precisely, as a regular KS backer, I want to be sure for KS not to be a haven for scammers and then to undermine our trusts towards KS. I cannot prevent "uneducated" backers from being scammed if they think they can disregard the opinions of experienced backers.
As for those who go with...
Well our "mission" to prevent KS backers (especially those for whom it was their first KS project) from being scammed and disgusted is done now. What happens outside KS is not any longer my concern. I wish KS had cancelled it earlier so we could trust KS yet.
I recall Lon Seidman made a positive review about LattePanda. I wonder if he's reconsidering the case of LP because it is clear now that LP team are finally not that good designers to make it robust (sudden power-off and os/bios corruption).
"when you fail your Kickstarter you don't pay any *fees*" what do you mean? which fees?
As far as I know the only fees due to KS are when the project succeeds and it is approved by KS AFTER campaign completion. I believe KS can still cancel AFTER campaign completion.
I dream of an anonymous army backing massively it then pulling out massively... it looks as if that PLA pciture inspires that dream to me. Am I mad, Doctor?
Just realize there are 28 people who pledged for $320 rewards while they can pledge the same device for $280 rewards. Had they a gun put to their heads by a Russian mobster?