Recent content by Guppy

  1. G

    Gp2x Break Out Box (finished Product)

    I sooo want this, serial out, video out and external HDD all call to me. I hope it can ship soon :)
  2. G

    Firmware Is Out

    I was afraid of this being the case in the new firmware, since they drop the clockspeed for the menus. We need a CLI for tweaking the speed of the CPU so we can add it to the beginning of scripts. Should be an easy write for whoever knows how to tweak the cpu speed.
  3. G

    Gp2x Speaker Mod

    Wow, lame :) I grew up in Roselle, IL, right off of Nerge... Thank god I got out of there and moved to California. Hmmm, if I was still there though, there'd be one more damn close.
  4. G

    Firmware 1.3.0 Contents

    If they drop the processor to 66MHz in the menu, I hope they store and restore the current processor speed, otherwise overclocking will have to be done in the application, or by a program called before running the application. example: from menu running at 66MHz run cpuspeed - set speed to...
  5. G

    Firmware 1.2.0

    Upgrade worked fine, and I was blessed today it seems as all 3 of my SD cards that I normally use work. (SanDisk 1GB, Ultra II 1 GB and pqi MMC 1GB) Wanting to test photos straight from my camera though turned up a card that doesn't work, Kingston 512MB. Looks like more then just the 1GB...
  6. G

    Litebrite Joystick Mod

    My first inclination was to use a bead of some sort... but I didn't have anything like that around... hmmm maybe if I melt it into a rounder tip.... *lights house on fire* whoops
  7. G

    Litebrite Joystick Mod

    Feels fine by thumb play, though I'll sometimes grab it between thumb and forefinger. with the pointy bit of the peg still attached it's pretty darn uncomfortable ;) thouggh once trimmed, it's nice.
  8. G

    Litebrite Joystick Mod

    sorry, fixed it right after I posted it :)
  9. G

    Litebrite Joystick Mod

    I've been looking at some of the mods and thought now nice it would be to have a little joystick instead of a disk. I searches around my closet and found my old lite brite... (Yes, I'm 38, and I've got a lite brite) anyhow. a little hacking with a pocket knife and a little drilling in the...
  10. G

    Gp2x Joystick Exposed - The Internals

    Hmmm, one _could paint over parts of the diagnals with an enamel paint, shrinking the diagnals... it might make it harder to hit multiple zones at a time, and shrink those offensive diagnals :) if I was adventurous, and had a second unit for when I destroyed my first, I'd try it :D
  11. G

    So I Got My Gp2x...

    My headphones wouldn't get a good contact at first, had to really jab em in there a few times, now it's not quite so hard to do and it seems to work.
  12. G

    Gp2x Terminal Emulator Released

    Excellent :) ps shows not all that much running, definately no inetd sweet little term. (reads the README... Ah that's where CTRL is...)
  13. G

    Lets See Who Got The Lowest Serial Number.

    need to include your version V100-132 in the US
  14. G

    Recall Announcment

    Wish I understood the versioning system... I've got V100-00000132 though my screen seems fine, apart from a barely noticable wobbling in the center of the screen when I move my stick side to side. but I suppose that V100 is after V001 so I'm cool...
  15. G

    Abe's Amazing Adventure

    Hahahaha, interesting game, but none of the graphics have been scaled yet ;) the guy you're shuttling around is nearly as big as the screen and the logo takes up a quarter of the screen... While it works, it's fairly unplayabl in the furrent form, I hope the mysterious developer works on...