Recent content by GPswe

  1. G

    If Gizmondo Had.....

    Everybody seems to forget that the PSP has a Memory Stick slot..
  2. G

    Most Under Rated Game System

    Gamecube, Dreamcast, and GP32 If only the gamecube's default color wasn't purple it would have done better. I don't care since it has some real good games that only exist for gamecube, like Mario Sunshine, Double Dash and Zelda windwaker. Zelda Windwaker is one of the best games of all time, I...
  3. G

    Gp32linux And Opie :) [pda]

    I can't download it! When I open it, it says something about the file being corrupt and not having an extension. Can someone host the FXE by itself? Thank you.
  4. G

    Gp32linux And Opie :) [pda]

    The web browser would be quite helpful for me even without a modem, for making websites, all I need now is a text editor that can save in html...
  5. G

    Morinng Cofee

    How do you save with the Wind-ups text editor?
  6. G

    PSP Or Ds

    I'm not going to buy any of them (gah, I don't have the money), but I think that the PSP is doing to be way better than the DS. I have always loved Nintendo, but why two screens? That's going to raise the price too much, and what's up with the cheap design? The PS however has a good design, it...
  7. G

    GP32 How Fast Can You Get ? Gp32 Clockspeed Tester

    Oooo, that song is catchy...Well, I've got the crappy GP32, it only overclocks to 160 without music, and 133 with music, At 160 with sound it freezes... :(
  8. G

    Gp32 Song

    Wow, that was quite bad..... Not only the singing but the lyrics were crap... On the other hand, the way Anarchy talked was SLIGHTLY funny..
  9. G

    What Will Be The Difference Between The Gp32 Flu

    The doom picture looks soooo clear.. Are you sure that the screen wasn't pasted in?
  10. G

    Gpmuzic - Beta 0.1

    The download doesn't work.... just when I'm going to download it!
  11. G

    Winups 2.0 Comming Soon!!

    Will it work with the new firmware?
  12. G

    nintendo with something new at E3...

    It's going to be mario 128. :rolleyes:
  13. G

    Gametrack? Another Zodiac?

    It looks way to expensive for children and teenagers. Hey, If you look close, you can see that they insert a 256 mb smc!!!! :o p.s. look what I found: The trend of the GP32 has caught on quick. Not to be confused with Tiger "Game.Com" Electronics, Tiger Telematics's has developed a new mobile...