Recent content by fxgogo

  1. F

    Cheap Case That's Good For The Gp2x?

    I found a really cheap case in Dixons in the UK for about £3. It was a neoprene material with a zipper, and looks like it was made for the gp2x. I tried the DS range but they often were just slightly too snug for the gp2x. It took me a couple of weeks of walking from shop to shop, but i found...
  2. F

    Can The Gp2x Replace Mt Ipod?

    Well using my 50 pound workstation in my car to listen to my music does not sound like fun....;) I wanted a portable player, I love iTunes, so my only option was an ipod. Totem is ok, still a bit weak imo, but I do like Amarok. It is the first alternative that has all the features I want. I...
  3. F

    Can The Gp2x Replace Mt Ipod?

    Yes PSyMastR, I am not an idiot, I know it is free. God Ginrai, I would love to know what media players you think are better? I disagree with you, but am open to something I have not seen before. I think I did not explain myself properly people. I do not want to be using windows at all, but...
  4. F

    Can The Gp2x Replace Mt Ipod?

    It looks like the software is rather young at the moment, but as in OSS, that does not stand true for long. I love the game, movie and picture features of this product. I must say the reason I bought an ipod in the first place was for itunes, not the ipod. I very really use the ipod as a device...
  5. F

    Can The Gp2x Replace Mt Ipod?

    I currently have an ipod mini, and I have become very intruiged by the GP2X. My question: Can the GP2X replace my ipod mini for playing podcasts? I listen to loads of podcasts while driving into work and so I need an easy way to navigate the podcasts and play them. Is this so on the GP2X? How...