
A few years ago I used to work in a primary school working in art lessons. In my spare time I studied and honed my craft, eventually I felt I was ready to open an etsy store. I started off with a few designs that over time increased in range and complexity. Before long my etsy store became my full time work and I had to leave the school I worked at to carry on my business to see where it would take me. I am open to making any design theme that the customer is interested in, or think that the gift recipient will love. I create new designs and introduce them into the shop nearly every week as a result of the steady stream of custom order requests that I receive. In my spare time I have created almost 50 computer game sprites for a game called pokemon sweet version 2. I manage a gallery on deviant art under the name Bubblypies, where this work and wallet pictures can be seen. Now that all the sprite art for this game has been created I have begain work on an illustrated guide book for this game.
Jun 28, 1983 (Age: 41)
Great Britain
About Me
Artisan leather artist, Sprite artist


  1. 10

    Two years already?

    Yep, you've been here for two years already!
  2. 5

    Happy First Year!

    You've been here for a year already!
  3. 2

    It's been a month

    Hope you still like it here :)
  4. 2

    You posted good stuff!

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  5. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.