Recent content by fishwich

  1. F

    Talks From A Assembly Company.

    Is it possible to see this pandora assembly video online anywhere?
  2. F

    Suggestion Of Porting Mnemosyne

    Anki, which is a similar program to Mnemosyne, is already on the port request wiki page. I dont know about Mnemosyne, but Anki also has a webclient which can be used offline... so even if nobody makes a full port it will at least me partially functional with just a browser.
  3. F

    What Are The First Few Things You're Gonna Do With/download On You

    A full featured Anki port would be great
  4. F

    Regional Keyboards

    Edy's idea would be great if someone got that working well. this post has made me curious if there has been any interest in pandora from people in countries that don't use the latin alphabet. Japan or Korea? Personally I don't care about the layout of the keyboard, but I see how having it...