ok so i just watched the video put up the other day of the pandora running mario 64, mario kart 64 and starfox. i'm amazed. but i'd like to know more and i can't seem to find any more info/videos anywhere. is there anyone that has more information? is the emu running other games at a decent...
So wait...the Pandora is going to be able to play xbox game isos???? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
j/k :P
Someone email me when a working N64 emulator is running...that's when I'll make my purchase!
Yeah, it had unbelievable depth. Perfect Dark is all but confirmed for an XBLA release this year. I'm so excited I could use my own guts as a hula hoop.
if done right that could be incredibly cool. imagine if they added a new multiplayer mode where its full screen online instead of 4 player...
i'm surprised to hear someone say perfect dark was their favorite. to me its the one game nobody played on the n64. its better than goldeneye in my opinion b/c of all the multiplayer options. you could put bots on the level so you and 4 people could fight the computer. you could go into...
The PSP version has terrible compatibility though. It only plays like 10 games...and of those 10 only a few are in a state where they can actually be completed.
That's why I'm starting to think if what I want is ever going to happen, its got to be built from the ground up. I can't be the only one to think it would be damn cool to have a handheld N64!
WizardStan I totally would if I had the know-how.
If you search Youtube for 'portable n64' you'd see someone did just that. He used a portable screen, stereo speakers...even built in a rechargeable battery. He ended up selling it on ebay for $600. I'd love one but I'm not insane :)
For that...
I have no idea what you're talking about lol.
I've heard alot about Dynarecs in regards to N64 emulation. I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers. I won't purchase until it happens, though!
Thanks for the quick responses. I've got high hopes but I'll hold off on buying this system until I at least see someone is working on it. The other capabilities of the system are impressive but I have 3 other systems that can do that stuff already, possibly better.
I wish someone would just...
The N64 is my all time favorite system. The main reason I'm interested in the Pandora is in the hopes that it can emulate the N64 perfectly. I'm wondering if anyone can provide any info whatsoever on whether or not anyone is working on a port? And if so, is it a port of the PC version that...
Hello, I've been watching the Pandora news with growing interest and I just wanted to clarify something before considering buying one.
What I'm looking for is a system that can fully emulate the N64.
And not like the Xbox or PSP's shoddy performance and questionable compatibility...I want a...