Recent content by Clatapist

  1. C

    Sharp Netwalker (Similar To The Pandora)

    Today I found a netbook that reminded me of the Pandora; palm-sized, keyboard, and a touch screen (it's held like the Pandora too :huh: ). See for yourself: Edit 1:It costs about 480 USD.
  2. C

    Pandora Updates Thread

    p&|a :oops: Can't wait!
  3. C

    Release Games We'd like to See on Pandora

    Holy ****! That is awesome! I got to reading his news updates and he is using OpenGl and C. It is entirely possible the LOVE could run on the Panda with a few graphical changes, which doesn't seem terribly difficult. Watch this video, might explain about about how he made it etc...
  4. C

    My video review

    Do you have the full version for download anywhere?
  5. C

    My video review

    Good comparison of both systems. I thought for sure that I would be ordering a Wiz soon (I haven't seen much footage of the Dingoo), but I didn't realize that the A320 was so much cheaper. How easy is it to make homebrew games for each of them? That might be the deciding factor for me.
  6. C

    Release Front Page Progress Update

    How far was the fall?
  7. C

    Blurp - The GP32X Downtime Status Thread

    Re: Update on the Situation at gp32x My mistake, thank you. Edit: Ummm.... you might need to edit again, your link leads to this thread. Edit 2: Hm, there is a difference between and Edit 3: Not any more..
  8. C

    Blurp - The GP32X Downtime Status Thread

    Update on the Situation at gp32x If you haven't checked, it seems like will be back up very shortly! (I'm not sure if this is the right board to put this in.)
  9. C

    Release Which of the most-likely-not-emulated systems do you want?

    (I hope this isn't considered trolling.) This isn't technically emulating, but it is a nintendo in a toaster: ... re=channel On-topic: I would love to have a DC emulator, but n64 would be my next hoped for emulator.