Recent content by Borax

  1. Borax

    Release DeaDBeeF

    Wow, that beastly little music player got a hefty upgrade! Nice work, Seb! Noticed one thing, though. I upgraded to the latest build, and now the program seems to lag when selecting/switching/ending songs. It's a pretty significant stutter, about a second, and even cuts off the ends of songs...
  2. Borax

    No CA Certificate, no University Internet?

    Hey, guys! Sorry for not getting back on this, I picked a bad time to post :P We had a long vacation, and then a geyser of projects to take care of, which meant leaving my little buddy at the wayside for a while. Thanks for all your advice, but after trying both Karl and Swat's methods, I'm...
  3. Borax

    No CA Certificate, no University Internet?

    Howdy, guys! I finally got my little buddy back from ED about a month ago, and everything's been aces, save for one thing that's been an issue the whole time. My university has a solid wireless internet connection, PAL, that's available in every building on campus. The problem is, I'm having...
  4. Borax

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    Hmm... Don't suppose anyone here would be able so shed light on this? r15 is leaps and bounds beyond the version I was running back in February! I've only run across one issue now, and that's running the US ISO of Tomba!... The game runs at a great clip, but there is an issue with the sound...
  5. Borax

    Is this your only main message board community, or are you into many?

    I'm an infrequent poster on about a dozen different forums, ranging from here to retrogaming to artsy stuff. If I would just commit to a couple I'd probably have something of an internet presence! For the record, this is easily the most pleasant board I frequent now that the trolls have mostly...
  6. Borax

    Game reviews in 5 words

    About as fun as trepanning
  7. Borax

    What Are The 3 Key Strengths of The Pandora?

    While I was immediately hooked by the Pandora's capacity to emulate and generally be a little powerhouse, further lurking really illuminated the fantastic community that makes this thing tick. We have all the lead men regularly checking and posting on the forum, be it for news, answering...
  8. Borax

    The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

    I remember buying one of those third-party PSX memory cards way back... It advertised on the box that it offered something ridiculous like ten or twenty times the storage of a regular card. And it did! But it required a CD and you had to compress/decompress your data with a super clunky and...
  9. Borax

    True timeless games.

    God Hand on the PS2. I have spent more time in academic papers and serious video game conversation on this one game than any other. The self-awareness, the ridiculousness, every ounce of attention paid to atmosphere, the message about (and celebration of) violence, all of it adds up to one of...
  10. Borax

    Shipment/Repair Status on Pandora?

    Hello, ED! Hope this is the right place to put this, but the wait and mystery have been killing me. I shipped my poor, pink-tinted, mono-sound, powerless Pandora to you way back in February for repairs, and have yet to hear anything about how things are going. Specifically, whether it...
  11. Borax

    Neither Right Speaker Nor Right Headphone Outputting Sound!

    Thanks for the prompt replies, ED and Halcyon! If it's something as simple as a quick solder, then of course I don't want to bother ED and keep him away from more important work :B I've yet to open up my unit, but I do have access to basic soldering equipment at one of the university's...
  12. Borax

    Neither Right Speaker Nor Right Headphone Outputting Sound!

    Howdy, Pandora forums! I've got a bit of a problem, here. A few days ago I'd noticed that my Pandora was no longer outputting sound to my right headphone while walking about campus and using Deadbeef. Nowadays I mainly output all sound to headphones, and thought my pair was simply failing...
  13. Borax

    Release Super Geometry Dust

    Killer app, wermy! I was a passive fan of Geometry Wars, but SGD definitely knocks the pants right off it... A grid sphere to see what's going on over the entire arena, higher difficulty, a robust army of enemies, chaos that isn't rendered claustrophobic by borders... This'll keep me busy on the...
  14. Borax

    Best Neo-Geo Games

    Hah, I was just about to swing in here and suggest Matrimelee. Ridiculous fun and a nice change of pace from the more serious fighters that permeate the platform.